Eighteen-year-old Grace Knutson loves Blessing, North Dakota, and sees no reason to leave. She's more serious-minded than her twin sister, Sophie, and very sensitive to the feelings of others. In spite of her family's disapproval, Grace has always had a soft spot in her heart for Toby Valders, for she's seen the vulnerable side he keeps well hidden. Jonathan Gould, the handsome scion of a wealthy New York family, creates a flurry of anticipation and speculation when he arrives in Blessing. Jonathan's father wants him to learn the value of manual labor and to appreciate the accomplishments of those not born to wealth. Surprisingly, the "city boy" takes to farm life and actually enjoys working from dawn to dusk alongside the others. Soon he finds himself inexplicably drawn to gentle, courageous Grace.
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"This book was better than the first two. I haven't read a book (since Hellen Keller...forever ago) told through the perspective of a deaf person. It was an interesting perspective. This one I had a hard time putting down....or actually stop listening to the CD. "
— Christine (4 out of 5 stars)
" I just could get myself to really care about the characters... "
— Melissa, 1/15/2014" good love story about a rich boy and a deaf girl infatuated with someone else. "
— Nicole, 12/23/2013" I really liked this book. It was the best one yet in the series. "
— Odetta, 10/3/2013" A; Loved this story about Grace who is deaf and how she works through a broken heart and finds love. "
— Cathy, 7/21/2013" Loved it, as I do all the Red River books by Snelling. I can't wait for the next one! "
— Kristi, 7/14/2013" This book was better than the first two. I haven't read a book (since Hellen Keller...forever ago) told through the perspective of a deaf person. It was an interesting perspective. This one I had a hard time putting down....or actually stop listening to the CD. "
— Christine, 7/8/2013" An amazing story about love between a city boy and a deaf girl... True and gunuine love!!! =] "
— Oksana, 7/4/2013" I always enjoy reading anything by Snelling. She has become one of my favorite authors. "
— Marie, 6/19/2013" Not entirely convincing in its portrayal of the lip reading skills of the deaf twin, Grace. However, a good description of the culture shock when she leaves the protected cocoon of her family home and enters the formal world back East. "
— Alice, 3/16/2013" I found this book slow to get started, but it improved in the second half. "
— Leona, 2/12/2013" Loved it. Did not. Like 4 th book at all tried. "
— Dana, 11/8/2012Lauraine Snelling is the award-winning author of more than 100 books, fiction and nonfiction, for adults and young adults. Her books consistently appear on CBA bestseller lists and have been translated into Norwegian, Danish, and German. A hallmark of her style is writing about real issues within a compelling story. Her books have sold more than five million copies. She won a Silver Angel Award for An Untamed Land and a Romance Writers of America Golden Heart for Song of Laughter. She also writes for a wide range of magazines and teaches at writers’ conferences across the country. Find out more at www.laurainesnelling.com.
Renee Ertl is an audiobook narrator and actress with more than a hundred voice-over, print, on-camera commercial, and corporate video projects to her credit. She started working in the industry as an actress in summer stock and dinner theater, and she has traveled extensively, performing on cruise ships and touring with “Up with People.”