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The Enneagram Test Book: A Practical Guide to Self-Discovery & Self-Realization for Better Relationships and a Better Life: Best Audiobooks & Books; Book 2: A Practical Guide to Self-Discovery & Self-Realization for Better Relationships and a Better Life: Best Audiobooks & Books; Book 2 Audiobook

The Enneagram Test Book: A Practical Guide to Self-Discovery & Self-Realization for Better Relationships and a Better Life: Best Audiobooks & Books; Book 2: A Practical Guide to Self-Discovery & Self-Realization for Better Relationships and a Better Life: Best Audiobooks & Books; Book 2 Audiobook, by Carly Greene Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Ryan Thompson Publisher: Enneagram in Relationships Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: August 2020 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781662137914

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

06:21 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

07 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

04:29 minutes

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Publisher Description

We view the world through a narrow lens and demand that others see and do things as we see fit. This is where conflicts arise and communication fizzles out. If we only learn to widen our awareness and celebrate each individual for their authentic self, we will be able to deepen our connections and learn to grow and thrive together. This is why the Enneagram has proven to be such a potent tool for finding common ground. It reminds us that every person sees and interacts with the world differently, and allows us to grow individually while also pushing us to better understand the people in our lives. Once you are able to establish which of the 9 personality types you belong to, becoming your best, authentic self while being a great partner and ally will come naturally. This is the impetus that drove Carly Greene to craft her life-changing book, “The Enneagram Test Book”. This guide is made for soul-searching people, so you can have a practical guide to self-discovery and self-realization and have better relationships and a better life. Over the course of this life-changing book, you will: • Get to know yourself better by answering a thorough questionnaire about where you belong in the 9 Enneagram personality types • Maximize your inherent strengths and unlearn the habits that hold you back by reading about your childhood patterns • Grow and thrive in the world and in your relationships by learning the proven practices that help you become your best, authentic self • And more! With the help of this guide, you will be able to take your self-awareness to the next level by using it to empathize with others and become a better partner, friend, and ally in the lives of those you love. Start living an authentic, purposeful life and bring joy to others using the Enneagram Test Book today!

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The Enneagram Test Book: A Practical Guide to Self-Discovery & Self-Realization for Better Relationships and a Better Life: Best Audiobooks & Books; Book 2 Listener Reviews

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