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Extended Sample Thrump-O-Moto by James Clavell
Extended Sample Thrump-O-Moto by James Clavell
Extended Sample The Birchbark House by Louise Erdrich
Extended Sample A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson
Extended Sample Let's Get Invisible! (Classic Goosebumps #24) by R. L. Stine
Extended Sample The Blob That Ate Everyone (Classic Goosebumps #28) by R. L. Stine
Extended Sample Haunting of the Ghost Dragon: A Branches Book by Tracey West
Extended Sample Bakers on Board by Sheryl Berk
Extended Sample Crimson Twill by Kallie George
Extended Sample Let's Celebrate Korean New Year! by Michelle W. Park
Extended Sample My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett
Extended Sample Never After: The End of the Story by Melissa de la Cruz
Extended Sample Robot Rebellion by Rie Neal
Extended Sample Stealing Freedom by Elisa Carbone
Extended Sample Sugar and Spice by Sheryl Berk
Extended Sample Sweet Victory by Sheryl Berk
Extended Sample Swimming with Spies by Chrystyna Lucyk-Berger
Extended Sample The Adventures of Bella & Harry, Volumes 1–7 by Lisa Manzione
Extended Sample The Mythics #4: Ember and the Phoenix by Lauren Magaziner
Extended Sample The People Could Fly by Virginia Hamilton
Extended Sample Wicked Nix by Lena Coakley
Extended Sample Bigfoot Doesn't Square Dance by Debbie Dadey
Extended Sample Escape From Chernobyl by Andy Marino
Extended Sample Ghouls Don't Scoop Ice Cream by Debbie Dadey
Extended Sample Hercules Doesn't Pull Teeth by Debbie Dadey
Extended Sample Knights Don't Teach Piano by Debbie Dadey
Extended Sample Mermaids Don't Run Track by Debbie Dadey
Extended Sample The Replacement by Lindsey Duga
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