Seth Harwood Audio Books

Seth Harwood, a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, was born in Boston and has lived in Cambridge, New York, St. Louis, and Iowa City. He currently lives in San Francisco, where he teaches writing at Stanford and CCSF. Author of three previous works of fiction, Seth has also written for publication in the Cambridge Chronicle & TAB, contributed to the Open Culture blog, and written for the San Francisco Chronicle, where he regularly reviews crime fiction. Marilyn Stasio, reviewing Seth’s debut, Jack Wakes Up, for the New York Times, praised its “vitality and a spirit of rebellion.” George Pelecanos, author and contributor to HBO’s The Wire, named Seth’s second novel, Young Junius, one of the best books of 2010. When he’s not writing or teaching, Seth swims, boxes, and occasionally haunts the basketball courts of San Francisco.

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Extended Sample Jack Wakes Up by Seth Harwood
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