
Robert E. Howard Audio Books

Robert E. Howard (1906–1936) was an American author who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres. He is well known for his character Conan the Barbarian and is regarded as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre. Born and raised in the state of Texas, Howard spent most of his life in the town of Cross Plains.

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Extended Sample Bran Mak Morn by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Kull by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The God in the Bowl by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Kings of the Night by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Hyborian Age by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Red Nails by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Black Stranger by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Hour of the Dragon by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Black Canaan by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Valley of the Worm by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Beyond the Black River by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Jewels of Gwahlur by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample A Witch Shall Be Born by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The People of the Black Circle by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Voice of El-Lil by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Queen of the Black Coast by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Devil in Iron by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Shadows in the Moonlight by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Gods of the North by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Rogues in the House by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Pool of the Black One by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Slithering Shadow by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Black Colossus by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Tower of the Elephant by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Challenge from Beyond by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Scarlet Citadel by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample The Phoenix on the Sword by Robert E. Howard
Extended Sample Songs of Giants by Edgar Rice Burroughs
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