
Richard Wiseman Audio Books

Richard Wiseman has gained an international reputation for research into diverse areas of psychology, including deception, success, and luck. He was described in Scientific American magazine as “one of the most innovative experimental psychologists in the world today.” His books, including 59 Seconds, The Luck Factor, and Quirkology, have sold more than three million copies worldwide. He has presented keynote addresses to the Swiss Economic Forum, Google, and elsewhere, and his YouTube videos have been viewed more than 500 million times. His work has made the front page of the Londonn Guardian, New Scientist, and the New Yorker. He holds Britain’s only professorship in the Public Understanding of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire.

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Extended Sample David Copperfield's History of Magic by Richard Wiseman
Extended Sample The As If Principle by Richard Wiseman
Extended Sample 59 Seconds by Richard Wiseman
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