
Neylan McBaine Audio Books

Neylan McBaine was born and raised in New York City. Her mother was a singer with the Metropolitan Opera, and she spent much of her childhood at that location. She graduated from the Chapin School and studied piano at the Juilliard School. She then graduated from Yale University in English literature. She currently lives in Utah with her husband and three young daughters. As a writer, Neylan has been published in Newsweek,,, the Washington Post‘s “On Faith” religion blog, among others. Neylan is also the CEO of Better Days 2020, an organization dedicated to celebrating women’s history by popularizing the past in creative and communal ways. Through the Seneca Council, she works with companies to maximize the recruitment and retention of women in their workforces.

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Extended Sample Pioneering the Vote by Neylan McBaine
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