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Where There's Hope: Healing, Moving Forward, and Never Giving Up Audiobook

Where Theres Hope: Healing, Moving Forward, and Never Giving Up Audiobook, by Elizabeth Smart Play Audiobook Sample
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Regular Price: $19.99 Add to Cart
Read By: Elizabeth Smart Publisher: Macmillan Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 5.33 hours at 1.5x Speed 4.00 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: March 2018 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781427287496

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

47:46 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

34 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

30:14 minutes

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Publisher Description

"[Elizabeth] Smart turns her story of despair amazingly into one of hope...The audiobook, beautifully narrated by the author, has an extra dimension of truth and emotion." — Library Journal on My Story This program is read by the author Elizabeth Smart follows up her #1 New York Times bestseller, My Story—about being held in captivity as a teenager, and how she managed to survive—with a powerful and inspiring audiobook about what it takes to overcome trauma, find the strength to move on, and reclaim one’s life. Author. Activist. Victim—no more. In her fearless memoir, My Story—the basis of the Lifetime Original movie I Am Elizabeth SmartElizabeth detailed, for the first time, the horror behind the headlines of her abduction by religious fanatic Brian David Mitchell and his wife, Wanda Barzee. Since then, she’s married, become a mother, and traveled the world as the president of the Elizabeth Smart Foundation, sharing her story with the intent of helping others along the way. Over and over, Elizabeth is asked the same question: How do you find the hope to go on? In this audiobook, Elizabeth returns to the horrific experiences she endured, and the hard-won lessons she learned, to provide answers. She also calls upon others who have dealt with adversity—victims of violence, disease, war, and loss—to explore the pathways toward hope. Through conversations with such well-known voices as Anne Romney, Diane Von Furstenburg, and Mandy Patinkin to spiritual leaders Archbishop John C. Wester and Elder Richard Hinckley to her own parents, Elizabeth uncovers an even greater sense of solace and understanding. Where There’s Hope is the result of Elizabeth’s mission: It is both an up-close-and-personal glimpse into her healing process and a heartfelt how-to guide for readers to make peace with the past and embrace the future. From the audiobook: “I was not willing to accept that my fate was to live unhappily ever after. Everything—my family, my home, my chance to go to school—had been given back to me, and I didn’t want to miss a second chance of living my own life.” Elizabeth Smart “There are two types of survivors: the ones who did not die, and the ones who live. There will be those who will always remember and be the victim, and ones who just won’t. You have to go on, you have to learn, and you have to heal.” —Diane von Furstenberg

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“Elizabeth’s message really shines through…Her voice and the stories throughout this book remind us that hope comes in many forms and packages.”

— Jaycee Dugard, New York Times bestselling author

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About Elizabeth Smart

Elizabeth Smart is an American activist and president of the Elizabeth Smart Foundation. She first gained widespread attention at age fourteen when she was kidnapped from her home and rescued nine months later.