Far to the north, in the frozen wastes of Polar Mars, lay the home of the Holy Therns, sacred and inviolate. Only John Carter dared to go there to find his lost Dejah Thoris. In between him and his goal lay the bones of all who had gone before.
“Imagine, if you can, a bald-faced hornet of your Earthly experience grown to the size of a prize Hereford bull, and you will have some faint conception of the winged monster that bore down upon me. To flee was useless, even if it had ever been to my liking to turn my back upon danger; so as I stood my ground, my only hope was to die as I had always lived — fighting.”
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Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875–1950), born in Chicago, was educated at Michigan Military Academy and served briefly in the US Cavalry. He began writing while working as a pencil-sharpener salesman, publishing his first piece in 1912 to great success. He authored numerous science fiction and fantasy series but is most famous for his Tarzan books; the suburb of Los Angeles where he lived eventually became known as Tarzana.