The third installment of Edith Nesbit's Psammead Trilogy continues to follow the lives of the original five children and their magical endeavors. The children once again encounter the Psammead, but this time they also discover an ancient amulet that contains time-traveling powers and fuels their adventure throughout the novel. As the children experience different civilizations through time, they meet a multitude of new characters and explore many notable locales such as Atlantis before the flood, Babylon, and the Tin Islands. Profiting greatly from Nesbit's deep research of ancient civilizations, this final installment is a joyous listen for adults and children.
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Edith Nesbit (1858–1924) lived in England and had dreamed of becoming a poet since she was fifteen years old. After her husband fell ill, it was up to her to support her small family. For the next nineteen years, she wrote novels, essays, articles, poems, and short stories; but it was not until 1899, when The Story of the Treasure Seekers was published, that she achieved great success. Her groundbreaking style of depicting realistic, believable children quickly gained a popularity that has lasted for more than a century.