Continuing the magical adventures of siblings Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane, and their baby brother, the sequel to Edith Nesbit's Five Children and It opens with the hatching of a phoenix in the children's very own home. The phoenix, whose egg was contained in a magical carpet, tells the children that the carpet may grant them three wishes a day. As the bird accompanies the children on many adventures—sometimes enlisting the help of the Psammead—the children begin to wear out the magic carpet as well as the phoenix, bringing their time to an end. A true classic of children's literature, this favorite of the times is the perfect listen for children and adults alike. Experience the magic of Edith Nesbit's intricate world with this audiobook.
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Edith Nesbit (1858–1924) lived in England and had dreamed of becoming a poet since she was fifteen years old. After her husband fell ill, it was up to her to support her small family. For the next nineteen years, she wrote novels, essays, articles, poems, and short stories; but it was not until 1899, when The Story of the Treasure Seekers was published, that she achieved great success. Her groundbreaking style of depicting realistic, believable children quickly gained a popularity that has lasted for more than a century.