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The Real Crash: America's Coming Bankruptcy - How to Save Yourself and Your Country Audiobook

The Real Crash: Americas Coming Bankruptcy - How to Save Yourself and Your Country Audiobook, by Peter D. Schiff Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Oliver Wyman Publisher: Macmillan Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 8.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 6.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: May 2012 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781427222947

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

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Longest Chapter Length:

07:27 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

41 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

05:23 minutes

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Publisher Description

For over 30% new material including many startling developments that have occurred in the past few years, check out The Real Crash Fully Revised and Updated Edition, on sale now. You might be thinking everything's okay: the stock market is on the rise, jobs are growing, the worst of it is over. You'd be wrong. In The Real Crash, New York Times bestselling author Peter D. Schiff argues that America is enjoying a government-inflated bubble, one that reality will explode . . . with disastrous consequences for the economy and for each of us. Schiff demonstrates how the infusion of billions of dollars of stimulus money has only dug a deeper hole: the United States government simply spends too much and does not collect enough money to pay its debts, and in the end, Americans from all walks of life will face a crushing consequence. We're in hock to China, we can't afford the homes we own, and the entire premise of our currency---backed by the full faith and credit of the United States---is false. Our system is broken, Schiff says, and there are only two paths forward. The one we're on now leads to a currency and sovereign debt crisis that will utterly destroy our economy and impoverish the vast majority of our citizens. However, if we change course, the road ahead will be a bit rockier at first, but the final destination will be far more appealing. If we want to avoid complete collapse, we must drastically reduce government spending---eliminate entire agencies, end costly foreign military escapades and focus only on national defense---and stop student loan or mortgage interest deductions, as well as drug wars and bank-and-business bailouts. We must also do what no politician or pundit has proposed: America should declare bankruptcy, restructure its debts, and reform our system from the ground up. Persuasively argued and provocative, The Real Crash explains how we got into this mess, how we might get out of it, and what happens if we don't. And, with wisdom born from having predicted the Crash of 2008, Peter Schiff explains how to protect yourself, your family, your money, and your country against what he predicts.

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"Probably the best book for a case by case discussion on eliminating most gov't programs and what the results would be (cause/effect). I think the author is obviously biased (right) and does little to assail the massive GOP spending of the past decade. That said, fans of Ayn Rand, will find this a good book to help their cause or discussion for limited and effective gov't. I think there is almost NO CHANCE any of these ideas will see the light of day."

— Michael (4 out of 5 stars)


  • “Peter Schiff sounded the alarm about the housing bubble created by the Federal Reserve and predicted the bubble's inevitable collapse, yet he was ignored by mainstream economists and ridiculed by the media. In The Real Crash he is at it again, illustrating how the financial crisis of 2008 is nothing compared to what is coming down the road. Peter Schiff is right again. I hope more people listen this time.

    — Ron Paul; Congressman (TX-14) and three time Presidential Candidate
  • Peter Schiff's new book "The Real Crash; America's Coming Bankruptcy" is written in the same blunt and punchy style that makes him a favorite guest on my Fox News show. It's not just what he says, but the fact that he lives what he says. Unlike Some authors who talk about business as spectators, Peter doesn't speak from the ivory tower of academia or from the comfort of an anchor chair. He runs a real business and fights every day to make it a success in spite of all the government's tax and regulatory policies.

    — Mike Huckabee; Host of The Huckabee Show and former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate
  • America's political leaders should have taken Peter's 2007 book, Crash Proof, to heart before they tried to borrow, print and bail us out of trouble. Today, they -- along with all Americans -- absolutely must take heed of The Real Crash. Peter Schiff understands the marketplace, and he understands the consequences that occur when government attempts to manage that marketplace. Pay attention, America!

    — Gary Johnson, Former governor of New Mexico and presidential candidate
  • In ‘The Real Crash,' the fearless Peter Schiff has written the most compelling argument against central economic planning and debt-financed consumption to come along since our present woes were exacerbated in 2008. His explanations of how unfettered free choices will produce prosperity, and how ending the Federal Reserve, abolishing the IRS, and returning to the gold standard will tame the federal beast are among the most forceful and cogent I have seen. He even explains how anyone can prosper from government stupidity in these perilous times. And he does all this in a breezy and readable format.

    — Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, Senior Judicial Analyst, Fox News
  • Peter Schiff is an original thinker, a man of startling insight and honesty, in many ways, a genius. I have learned that you disagree with him at your peril. He is one of the few men of finance of whom I wish I could say I had paid more attention to. Live and learn. Read and learn.

    — Ben Stein; author, actor, political and economic commentator
  • Peter Schiff says the Fed's bubble machine is destroying the American economy and he is right. Zero interest rates and QE are crushing savers, rewarding speculators and enabling the Washington politicians to issue endless debt. Every concerned citizen should read this.

    — David Stockman; Former OMB director under President Ronald Reagan
  • Peter Schiff has been painfully right about the downward spiral of the U.S. economy over the last four years. Easy money, rising tax rates, and unbridled debt are a prescription for economic disaster. Let's hope Barack Obama reads this.

    — Stephen Moore, Economist and Fox News commentator
  • While many of us have justifiably focused on how high taxes are economically corrosive, Peter Schiff does a great job of explaining why government spending and debt are even worse. As we continue grappling with the monster of a runaway federal government, this book is one of the best assets conservatives can turn to in making the case for fiscal responsibility and capitalism.

    — Grover Glenn Norquist; President of Americans for Tax Reform
  • Peter Schiff was one of the few pundits who predicted correctly the 2008 economic and financial collapse. Now, he makes a compelling case in a highly readable book that the day will come when the world stops trusting the dollar and the ability of the US government to pay its debts. I agree with him that 'Then we'll get the real crash'.

    — Marc Faber; Editor, The Gloom Boom & Doom Report
  • You need to know his case whether he is right or not if you are going to be prepared for this decade.

    — Jim Rogers; Investor and Bestselling Author of "A Gift to My Children" and "Investment Biker"

The Real Crash Listener Reviews

Overall Performance: 3.875 out of 53.875 out of 53.875 out of 53.875 out of 53.875 out of 5 (3.88)
5 Stars: 6
4 Stars: 5
3 Stars: 2
2 Stars: 3
1 Stars: 0
Narration: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 (0.00)
5 Stars: 0
4 Stars: 0
3 Stars: 0
2 Stars: 0
1 Stars: 0
Story: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 (0.00)
5 Stars: 0
4 Stars: 0
3 Stars: 0
2 Stars: 0
1 Stars: 0
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  • Overall Performance: 2 out of 52 out of 52 out of 52 out of 52 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " While Schiff is very good at identifying what's going on and what is likely to come economically, "the market" is not the answer to everything. Some solutions I liked. Others were proposed with federalism trumping morality. "

    — Eric, 1/20/2014
  • Overall Performance: 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " If you've read some of Peter Schiff's books, then the first part will seem repetitive. However, I really like how he talked about things besides money... like education, foreign policy, and freedom. Definitely a very libertarian thinker like me and willing to talk about things that are not politically correct. "

    — Nathan, 1/6/2014
  • Overall Performance: 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " you can read this before or after the crash - a great study in the Austrian School, common sense and some sound investment advice if it happens or not. "

    — Chris, 1/4/2014
  • Overall Performance: 5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " The first part of the book was excellent and to the point. I found myself having to force myself through some of the subsequent chapters but I am very glad I did. A serious and important read. "

    — Tamarack, 12/24/2013
  • Overall Performance: 3 out of 53 out of 53 out of 53 out of 53 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " I agree with Dr. Doom about 95%. The history of the ecomony cured my insomnia. He must be watching Doomesday Preppers. I disagree on his views about higher education. He is probably correct in his predictions but if it is accurate we will be living in a very bad world. "

    — Debbie, 12/13/2013
  • Overall Performance: 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " Great comprehensive overview of the "government bubble" currently shoring up our economy and how excessive government intervention is only prolonging a collapse. The last chapter is mostly a promo for the author's investment services though, and I could have done without it. "

    — Mdehmlow, 12/11/2013
  • Overall Performance: 5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " I enjoyed The Real Crash a lot more than I did Crash Proof (though really they are not necessarily comparable). I love his policy suggestions for fixing the mess we are in. And as always, Peter Schiff is really entertaining. "

    — Emily, 11/30/2013
  • Overall Performance: 2 out of 52 out of 52 out of 52 out of 52 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " A no-nonse book about the forthcoming crash as a result of US government indebtedness. Peter demonstrates sound economic thinking for a generalist reader. The prose is slightly hectoring, but I am sure that was his intention. "

    — Mikko, 11/2/2013
  • Overall Performance: 4 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 54 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " Another excellent job by Peter. A few odd points here and there, but a great read. "

    — Brian, 7/23/2013
  • Overall Performance: 2 out of 52 out of 52 out of 52 out of 52 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " If you want an interesting read, read the first book- not this follow on. "

    — Eric, 6/28/2013
  • Overall Performance: 5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Narration Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 Story Rating: 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5

    " Excellent book from the man who has predicted everything. "

    — Joseph, 4/17/2013

About Peter D. Schiff

Peter D. Schiff is a seasoned Wall Street prognosticator best known for his accurate predictions of the performance of the stock market, commodities, gold, and the dollar. He appears frequently on Fox Business News, CNN, CNBC, and Bloomberg TV and has been quoted in such publications as the Wall Street Journal,Financial Times, and New York Times. He is the author of Crash Proof and The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets.

About Oliver Wyman

Oliver Wyman is an actor and award-winning audiobook narrator. He has won five Audie Awards from the Audio Publisher’s Association, fourteen Earphone Awards, and two Listen Up Awards from Publisher’s Weekly. He was named a 2008 Best Voice in Nonfiction & Culture by AudioFile magazine. He has appeared on stage as well as in film and television, and he is a veteran voice actor who can be heard in numerous cartoons and video games. He is one of the founders of New York City’s Collective Unconscious theater, and his performances include the award-winning “reality play” Charlie Victor Romeo and A. R. McElhinney’s cult classic film A Chronicle of Corpses.