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The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis: Freud's Five Lectures at Clark University, USA, 1909 Audiobook

The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis: Freuds Five Lectures at Clark University, USA, 1909 Audiobook, by Sigmund Freud Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Wayne Evans Publisher: Wayne Evans LLC Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 1.33 hours at 1.5x Speed 1.00 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: September 2023 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9798212903370

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

28:41 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

11 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

16:54 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

Sigmund Freud delivers five lectures about the “historical survey of the origin and further development of this new method and cure.” He called this method psychoanalysis. In 1909, when he was 53, he was invited by Clark University and delivered these lectures—the first ones he delivered in the United States. In 1910 they were published in the Origin and Development of Psycho-Analysis. Freud himself explains his beliefs of the sexual drive present in infants, the examination of dreams and bungling acts, the resistance of the unconscious that influences everyday thoughts and actions, and the importance of transference in therapy.

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About Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) was an Austrian psychiatrist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for curing psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.

About Wayne Evans

Wayne Evans is a professional voice actor who brings your words to life. Wayne grew up on a working ranch in North Dakota—yes, horses, cattle, and fences. And he subsequently traveled the seven continents. Like his life, Wayne’s voice starts out as “all-American,” but he travels with a world of voice-over skills. Wayne’s voice-over work fits perfectly with e-learning and audiobooks, which have ranged from self-help books to memoirs to novels.