In The Microbiome Solution, Dr. Robynne Chutkan, a preeminent gastroenterologist, explains how the standard Western diet and our super-sanitized lifestyles are starving our microbiomes, depleting the "good bugs" that are crucial for keeping us healthy, and encouraging overgrowth of exactly the wrong types of bacteria, which can leave us vulnerable to a host of autoimmune and chronic health conditions. Here, she shares her powerful program of simple yet effective lifestyle and diet changes to help you recover and reverse the damage, along with practical advice throughout, including:
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"[A] thoughtful approach to health and wellness that's well worth the time of readers able and willing to research and evaluate Chutkan's many claims for themselves."
— Publishers Weekly
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Robynne Chutkan, M.D., FASGE, is one of the world’s leading gastroenterologists and has been widely featured in the media, including frequent appearances on The Dr. Oz Show. She is the founder of the Digestive Center for Women and a faculty member at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C.
Rebecca Mitchell is a performance artist and classically trained vocalist, as well as a professional host, emcee, and personality. Her natural flair for the dramatic, coupled with her love of being in the studio, brought her to the world of narrating in 2013.