Arthur Conan Doyle’s rollicking adventure tale follows a scientific expedition deep into the Amazon jungle—right back into the time of dinosaurs and cave men. Before Jurassic Park, before Indiana Jones, there was The Lost World.
This L. A. Theatre Works full-cast performance features Josh Clark, Kyle Colerider-Krugh, Peter Paige, Kirsten Potter, Kate Steele, Tom Virtue, and Kenneth Alan Williams. It was recorded before a live audience at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles.
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859–1930) was born of Irish parentage in Scotland. He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, but he also had a passion for storytelling. His first book introduced that prototype of the modern detective in fiction, Sherlock Holmes. Despite the immense popularity Holmes gained throughout the world, Doyle was not overly fond of the character and preferred to write other stories. Eventually popular demand won out and he continued to satisfy readers with the adventures of the legendary sleuth. He also wrote historical romances and made two essays into pseudoscientific fantasy: The Lost World and The Poison Belt.