Bowen Tyler, his reluctant crew and a blonde heroine, find themselves marooned in a nightmare world of mighty dinosaurs and bestial apemen who kill on sight. This is the lost continent of Caspak, a hot, dark and mysterious prehistoric world located somewhere in the icy waters of the Antarctic. Their only hope of rescue is a note in a bottle flung into the sea. The survivors persist and penetrate the heart of Caspak to find the incredible secret that claws, fangs and spears have guarded since the beginning of time.
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"It's hard to find the editions I've read of ERB's books here, I've got a lot of old editions inherited from my father. This one is a good way to review a short series...I liked this series, but when you read his books you always must keep in mind the time period he's writing in. "
— Patty (4 out of 5 stars)
" I think I've now read all of Edgar Rice Burroughs. What a wondrous and fantastical imagination he had - and he gave the same to his characters, who seem doomed every few pages but then leap free to the next crisis. Easy, fun reading. "
— Bob, 2/17/2011" A little bit antiquated, but really cinematically written. The first time I read this book I was about 8 years old, and I read it from my mother's crumbling second-printing copy, now a family heirloom. The perfect way to read such a story! "
— Nova, 1/12/2009Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875–1950), born in Chicago, was educated at Michigan Military Academy and served briefly in the US Cavalry. He began writing while working as a pencil-sharpener salesman, publishing his first piece in 1912 to great success. He authored numerous science fiction and fantasy series but is most famous for his Tarzan books; the suburb of Los Angeles where he lived eventually became known as Tarzana.