Children everywhere have read and loved Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book—and continue to do so. Here Blackstone offers this collection of moral fables in its entirety.
Tales of Mowgli, the boy raised by animals in the exotic jungles of India; Rikki-tikki-tavi, a courageous young mongoose who battles the sinister black cobra Nag; Toomai, the boy who works with elephants; and more will delight listeners both young and old.
These classic stories brim with adventure and thrills as the lively characters fend off ferocious tigers and deadly snakes, slip through the jungle to watch elephants dance, and seek refuge from dangerous hunters.
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"The Jungle Book bukanlah seperti film animasi maupun film manusia yang beredar ketika saya SD. Tidak ada kisah percintaan terhadap sesama manusia dalam buku ini, yang ada hanya pembalasan dendam, pengulitan di akhir cerita benar-benar membuat kita berdecak kagum akan terobosan cerita fabel dari Rudyard Kipling, selain cerita Mowgli, buku ini berkisah juga tentang Kotick si Anjing Laut Putih yang mencari tempat peristirahatan yang damai dari gangguan manusia pemburu, seekor Mangoose peliharaan bernama Rikki-Tikki-Tavi dan seorang anak penakluk gajah bernama Toomai. Bisa dibilang Kipling adalah inspirasi dari penulis favorit saya: Neil Gaiman. Untuk sebuah cerita yang ditulis di akhir 1800-an Jungle Book akan membuat kita terkesima akan imajinasi dan sentilan Kipling terhadap tokoh manusia yang seringnya diceritakan sebagai pengganggu lingkungan para hewan. Dan.. Saya tak bisa membayangkan buku ini (khususnya cerita Mowgli) menjadi bacaan anak-anak, mungkin rating PG lebih tepat."
— Ismi (4 out of 5 stars)
“Though these marvelous tales were written in Victorian times, they are still worthy of being read and enjoyed by today’s youngsters. Fantasy is currently very popular with young readers, and here are stories in this genre that are truly excellent.”
— Children’s Literature“The gift of writing for children is an unaccountable one, bestowed erratically and falling in unexpected places. Mr. Kipling has it in the fullest measure…Certainly the Jungle stories have never been approached in excellence by any other of his prose tales. The field is all his own, and he is safe even from imitators.”
— San Francisco Argonaut“No child should be allowed to grow up without reading the Jungle Books. Published in 1894 and 1895, the stories crackle with as much life and intensity as ever…Young readers will be caught up by the stories, swinging from page to page, breathless, thrilled, and terrified.”
—“Neither allegory nor fairy tale; it rises through imagination to something higher. Mr. Kipling does not use the animals of the jungle to illustrate human nature. He makes them akin…An art that is at once greater, more modern, and more human than any we have known.”
— Critic, Vol. 31" When I picked this book up again I did so without remembering this was the story of Mowgli. I'll admit, I don't love this book. It is superbly written. Indeed, a classic. Yet, I don't love it. I like it well enough for the classic that it is and I know my son will love it - it will be a fantastic bedtime book for me to read to him sometime this year. I just can't muster up any real affection for this story. This very well might be a deficiency within me, but it is what it is. I can readily recommend it, as I know others will love it though I do not. Don't even bother with the Disney version, as the real deal is far superior in every way. "
— Erica, 2/20/2014" Absolutely worth rereading every few years. Kipling has no equal. "
— Spencer, 2/18/2014" I'd never thought I'd enjoy this book so much! Kipling is a master of words. He has so many poignant lines that just hit you - the kind of lines that make you stop, reread them, and reread them again. "
— silchi, 2/17/2014" as a classic, it's good to have read this. it is a bit darker than disney version. it was interesting to see his other stories from outside the jungle as well. "
— Andrew, 2/16/2014" I hate myself for saying it, but it's *so* not as good as the film. "
— Clurb, 2/16/2014" This was actually a very fun read. When I started it, I didn't realize that it is a collection of short stories, and that only the first one is about Mowgli. I think the Mowgli story was the best of the set, but the others were entertaining as well. I'm interested now in reading more of Kipling's works. "
— Stephanie, 2/14/2014" Book Abandoned because I found the book boring for me since there are a lot of short stories and none of them has a whole lot of details about the main character and the story changes every time so it's confusing of what I am reading. "
— Young, 2/13/2014" I never saw the Disney movie, but I am sure it is very different from the book. This classic does not fit my taste in literature, but it has such classic characters it is worth the read. Rudyard Kipling does not play down to children in his writting. His characters are mostly talking animals, but there is nothing unrealistic in their emotions or actions...we can all relate to these animals. "
— Beth, 2/13/2014" I enjoyed this book quite a bit. The version I got also had Riki Tiki Tavi and other stories. They were all great, universal tales that children and adults alike could enjoy. Fanciful, fun reading. "
— Lena, 2/12/2014" loved the stories. very touching "
— Christina, 2/11/2014" A selection of short stories that deals as much with seals, eskimoes and other such non-Titular schizzle as it does with Mowgli and the jungle. Too many 'songs' for me. Didn't enjoy it nearly as much as "Kim". "
— Derrick, 2/9/2014Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936) was born of English parents in Bombay, India. At seventeen, he began work as a journalist and over the next seven years established an international reputation with his stories and verses of Indian and army life, including such classics as The Jungle Book and Kim. In 1907 he became the first English writer to receive the Nobel Prize.
Geoffrey Howard (a.k.a. Ralph Cosham) was a stage actor and an award-winning narrator. He recorded more than 100 audiobooks in his lifetime and won the prestigious Audio Award for Best Narration and several AudioFile Earphones Awards.