“I cried because I did not have an office with a door, until I met a man who had no cubicle.” - Dilbert
“After your boss has taken away your door, your walls, and your storage areas, there aren't many options left for the next revolution in office design. One of the following things is likely to go next: the floor; the ceiling; your happiness.
I think the floor will stay, but only because your company would have to dig a huge hole all the way to the other side of the earth to get rid of it. As you can imagine, a huge hole through the earth would represent a serious threat to office productivity.”
From The Joy of Work by Scott Adams
Read by Scott Adams.
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"Even on the second read, this remains one of my favourite Dilbert's books. After reading the comic for a decade, there is not much novelty that I found on the first read but still a lot of laughs. Hopefully, will read again after another decade of memory loss!"
— Nilesh (4 out of 5 stars)
“Enough weird stories and practical jokes to make any middle manager nervous.”
— Amazon.com, editorial review“Adams [has created] a minor classic. Gentle, reader, bring tissue because you will laugh until you cry.”
— USA Today“It’s cute and clever.”
— Business Week“Dilbert devotees should enjoy Adams's compendium of advice on office life, subterfuge and pranks…This book shines with Adams’ real advice on creating humor.”
— Publishers Weekly“Relying on cartoon strip ‘re-runs’ and e-mailed tips from fans, Adams offers advice on managing your boss, reverse telecommuting (bringing personal work to the office), pranks and humor in the workplace (‘laughter at the expense of others’), and surviving meetings.”
— Booklist" Reading this book help me survived all my bad days at the office that was 9 yrs back just hope Mr. Scott Adams would write comic like guide for stay home MOM. "
— Charisma, 12/25/2013" Absolutely try these at work ! Its fun :) "
— Rajasekhar, 6/21/2012" OMG! What can you say about a book of short stories proving that you cow-orkers are idiots! "
— William, 3/28/2012" I loved this. It was funny because it was true. Adams captures how every office worker feels and shed some humour on it. I have tried some of the techniques myself which was not as much appreciated by my boss and coworkers. "
— Celeste, 8/19/2011" Do you need anything to say when its Dilbert all the way - also the book does real justice to the title. "
— Vasudevan, 6/11/2011" This introduced me to Dilbert Principles. I enjoyed the comic strips that I even bought the other Dilbert books and even got some calendars when I went to the USA. Some scenarios are very "american" though but mostly are funny and depict common though sometimes weird office situations. "
— K.D., 1/22/2011" you will be lol :D while reading it "
— Eva, 12/22/2010" Very funny, yet with real insights about people and humor underneath. I didn't mean to reread this book... I just was flipping through it and ended up reading the whole thing again. "
— Jay, 12/14/2010" Some very amusing cartoons, but the funniest parts are the emails he gets from his readers "
— Paul, 11/27/2010" really funny pranks in this book "
— James, 10/1/2010" Always a pleasure reading Scott. I wonder how he gets it so right all the time............ "
— Anuradha, 3/25/2010Scott Adams is the creator of Dilbert, the comic strip that now appears in 1,550 newspapers worldwide. His first two hardcover business books, The Dilbert Principle and Dogbert’s Top Secret Management Handbook, have sold more than two million copies and have appeared on the New York Times bestseller list for a combined total of sixty weeks.