In June 1867, Mark Twain set out for Europe and the Holy Land on the paddle steamer Quaker City. His enduring, no-nonsense guide for the first-time traveler also served as an antidote to the insufferably romantic travel books of the period.
“Who could read the programme for the excursion without longing to make one of the party?”
So Mark Twain acclaims his voyage from New York City to Europe and the Holy Land. His adventures produced The Innocents Abroad, a book so funny and provocative it made him an international star for the rest of his life. He was making his first responses to the Old World—to Paris, Milan, Florence, Venice, Pompeii, Constantinople, Sebastopol, Balaklava, Damascus, Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem. For the first time he was seeing the great paintings and sculptures of the Old Masters. He responded with wonder and amazement but also with exasperation, irritation, and disbelief. Above all he displayed the great energy of his humor, more explosive for us now than for his beguiled contemporaries.
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"I loved it for the history, travel, and social lessons and insights. Funny how a lot of it is still relevant today. I LOVE Mark Twain's wit, and the way he makes fun of stupid people (even when the stupid person he us making fun of is himself). Both entertaining and educational. Will DEFINITELY read it again. Probably just before my next trip to Paris or Italy."
— Julie (5 out of 5 stars)
“A classic work…[that] marks a critical point in the development of our literature.”
— Leslie A. Fiedler, literary critic“The volume contains many shrewd things, and not a few that are a much more truthful idea, we doubt not, of life and scenes abroad than many a more pretentious book.”
— New York Independent“This is the raciest book we have met with for many a day. Much as we had expected to be pleased, we must truthfully say that we had no idea so much humor, wit, geniality, fine description and good sense, could be contained within the covers of any one book...Our sides ache, and we lay aside the volume to rest, and to advise our friends and readers, one and all, to buy the book at the first opportunity, and read it through.”
— National (N.J.) StandardIt is a rare and wonderful combination. The humor is natural, never forced; the narrative is instructive, and the descriptive passages are some of the finest in the English language, abounding in choice expressions and beautiful metaphor.
— Newark (N.J.) Register“A humorous travel narrative…The Innocents Abroad sharply satirized tourists who learn what they should see and feel by reading guidebooks. Assuming the role of a keen-eyed, shrewd Westerner, Twain was refreshingly honest and vivid in describing foreign scenes and his reactions to them. He alternated serious passages…with risible ones. The humor itself was varied, sometimes in the vein of the Southwestern yarn spinners, sometimes in that of contemporaneous humorists such as Artemus Ward and Josh Billings, who chiefly used burlesque and parody and other verbal devices.”
— Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature" In 1867, when Twain was thirty-two, he took an extended steamer trip to Europe and the Holy Lands. He wrote travel articles about his experiences that were published in several newspapers. Later he compiled the articles into this book. His observations are wonderfully detailed, insightful and often hilarious. I was surprised at the depth of his interest and appreciation for art and architecture and not so surprised at his racial prejudice. "
— Jean, 2/20/2014" "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts." "
— Dona, 2/16/2014" At some point this book started to feel exactly like the trek Twain was on in the desert, a bit tedious. I'll freely admit I probably read 2-3 other books in the time it took me to get through this. Still, there was something extremely charming about parts of the book; the journey was certainly incredible, our guide funny & it shows how little Americans have actually changed in (almost) 150 years "
— Christopher, 2/11/2014" This book is a scream! Too funny! "
— Stephen, 2/10/2014" I read about 3/4 of this book, but I just couldn't finish it. As much as I love Mark Twain's witty one-liners, I thought this book was pretty dry. And as much as I love to travel, it didn't interest me to read a book about someone who traveled such a long time ago. I know that sounds terrible for a social studies teacher to say, but there was just something about this book that didn't hold my interest. "
— Beth, 1/21/2014" Mark Twain at his best, The Innocents Abroad follows our courageous hero as he travels abroad and absorbs fine culture. Excellent illustrations add to the charm of this wonderfully inexpensive book. "
— Micheal, 1/18/2014" My favorite. His comments about traveling abroad are very funny. "
— Lynne, 1/16/2014" This book is absolutely phenomena! If you are even somewhat interested in world travel. The book gives you an indepth look at various european countries and the holy land through the satrical viewpoint of Mark Twain. A must read! "
— Mallory, 1/7/2014" Only got about 20 pages in. Then I remembered that I kind of hate Mark Twain. "
— Laura, 1/5/2014Mark Twain (1835–1910) was born Samuel L. Clemens in the town of Florida, Missouri. He is one of the most popular and influential authors our nation has ever produced, and his keen wit and incisive satire earned him praise from both critics and peers. He has been called not only the greatest humorist of his age but also the father of American literature.
Grover Gardner (a.k.a. Tom Parker) is an award-winning narrator with over a thousand titles to his credit. Named one of the “Best Voices of the Century” and a Golden Voice by AudioFile magazine, he has won three prestigious Audie Awards, was chosen Narrator of the Year for 2005 by Publishers Weekly, and has earned more than thirty Earphones Awards.