Henry Fielding’s bawdy, colorful, high-spirited novel painted human vices and virtues with unprecedented honesty and good humor, making Tom Jones as fresh and entertaining today as it was when first published nearly three hundred years ago.
A foundling of mysterious parentage, Tom Jones is brought up by the benevolent and wealthy Squire Allworthy as his own son.
As a young man, Tom falls in love with the beautiful and unattainable Sophia Western, a neighbor’s daughter, whose marriage has already been arranged. When Tom’s sexual misadventures around the countryside get him banished, he sets out to make his fortune and find his true identity. Against the vivid background of eighteenth-century London, Tom Jones encounters passion, corruption, danger, and intrigue before finally claiming his fortune, legitimacy, and true love.
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"This book is great fun, in an 18th century way, of course. This is the convoluted, witty, charming story of a young man who has many grand qualities, among them generosity of both spirit and pocket, impeccable manners, captivating good looks, grace, spirit, resilience, courage and pluck. He has a few failings to go with these, primary among them that he has a young man's predilection for falling into bed with just about anyone who finds him attractive (which is just about every woman who comes his way). This gets him into untold amounts of trouble, as you might imagine. He also is excessively trusting, which gets him is another pile of trouble. But we are never less than wholly on Tom's side. A delightful story that I would recommend to anyone."
— Reid (4 out of 5 stars)
“Reader Ken Danziger…gives the novel a full-voiced reading…True, the book runs to thirty-six hours, but the journey with Danziger is worth it.”
— SoundCommentary.com“Two and a half centuries after its publication, the adventures of the rambunctious and randy Tom Jones still makes for great reading. I’m not in the habit of using words like bawdy or rollicking, but if you look them up in the dictionary, you should see a picture of this book.”
— Amazon.com“Tom Jones, a major contribution to the history of the English novel, has been admired by many readers as the most meticulously crafted book of its type. With neoclassic objectivity, humor, and fine psychological delicacy, Fielding dissects the motives of his characters to reveal universal truths about human nature.”
— Masterpieces of World Literature“Two hundred years have not dimmed Fielding’s realism. His humor is closer to our own than that of any writer before the present century.”
— Kingsley Amis, Booker Prize-winning novelist, poet, and critic" Love this classic tale of Tom Jones.Its actually really funny, but also sad and serendipitous as most classics tend to be.One problem with the book is that its SUPER long. I'm half way through and I bought it before the kindle was a thought so carrying it around got real old. I put it down because of life, but I do intend to pick it back up and finish it. I am determined. Saw the old 70s/80s movie version and BBC version and liked it. Still want to finish the book some day though. "
— Tramia, 1/29/2014" One of the great novels of all time. If would be interesting to read several picaresque, or "journey" novels close together to see how different authors in different centuries work with this framework. It is long of course but every sentence is telling and sometimes it made me laugh out loud. "
— Anna, 12/24/2013" One of the worst examples I've had the misfortune to acquaint myself with of Victorians binding their own verbal diarrhea, ugh. "
— Nick, 12/21/2013" Henry Fielding at his best. Fielding was a lawyer by training and I aspire to be one-third the writer he was. "
— Casey, 12/15/2013" It took a little while to finish this book. It was a little daunting given it's size. The story was fun and had quite a few funny parts in it. The one thing that I didn't like about it was the author constantly addressing the reader. I've never like that, in any book. It may be meant to be funny but I got annoyed as it wouldn't let me suspend reality. I started skipping those chapters altogether, just so I could keep the story going. "
— Sadie, 11/27/2013" A bacchanalia of linguistic fortitude. "
— Daniel, 11/25/2013" Fielding was doing well telling the story. I liked his style. I hated the subject and storyline and main character. It's all about a young man and his extremely promiscuous behavior. But all of his deeds are forgiven and he is rewarded with marriage to his true love after his rightful heritage is revealed. Absolutely appalling! But we all know what would have happened if it had been a woman--scorned and discredited, no matter how high her background. The whole thing made me sick and upset and I didn't agree with any of it. As it was the week of the Olympics and I was reading another 900-page novel for a different class, I only made it half way in this. When my classmates summed up the last half, I didn't need to know any more. I don't think I'll ever go back to finishing it. And I should probably donate my copy to a library. "
— Heidi, 11/22/2013" It took me quite a while to actually finish reading this book, but by the time I was finally done I'd fallen in love with this story. For anyone who enjoys a good 18th century novel! "
— Amanda, 11/18/2013" Added to the list as another classic I didn't like... "
— Barb, 9/25/2013" This book was long and rambling, full of far fetched plots with too much coincidence. But, fun to read. My brother gave me my copy so I guess It's also a sentimental favorite. "
— Jenny, 9/11/2013" The title alone indicates that this won't be one of my favorite books. After having wasted hours of endless pages I must repeat: Everything about this book bored me. But two stars because of its canonic status in the history of literature. "
— Mia, 4/22/2013Henry Fielding (1707–1754) was an English novelist and dramatist known for his rich earthy humor and satirical prowess. His writings reflect his ongoing preoccupation with fraud, sham, and masks. Tom Jones is considered to be his greatest work.
Ken Danziger (a.k.a. Kenneth Scott) has been an actor almost longer than he can remember. He has enjoyed it all: training at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in England and stage, film, and television work in London, New York, and currently in Los Angeles. There have been many highlights along the way, not least among them working on this book.