The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a poignant tale of love, ambition, and the elusive American Dream, set against the opulent backdrop of the Roaring Twenties. Narrated by Nick Carraway, the story unfolds on Long Island's glittering North Shore, where he becomes entangled in the life of his enigmatic neighbor, Jay Gatsby. A self-made millionaire known for his extravagant parties, Gatsby harbors a deep yearning to reunite with Daisy Buchanan, a married woman he once loved and who represents his idealized vision of success and happiness. Through its rich symbolism and lyrical prose, the novel critiques the moral decay beneath the dazzling veneer of wealth, exploring themes of identity, longing, and the often futile pursuit of dreams in a world marked by class divisions and disillusionment.
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F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896–1940) was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, and educated at Princeton, where he was a leader in theatrical and literary activities. He began writing his first novel, This Side of Paradise, while serving in the army. Its publication in 1920 established him as the spokesman for the Jazz Age. His major novels include The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby, and Tender Is the Night.