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The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and The Gospel of Wealth Audiobook

The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and The Gospel of Wealth Audiobook, by Andrew Carnegie Play Audiobook Sample
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Regular Price: $22.95 Add to Cart
Read By: John Lescault, John Lescault Publisher: Blackstone Publishing Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 8.00 hours at 1.5x Speed 6.00 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: January 2018 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781538512678

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

37:02 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

11:32 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

24:01 minutes

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Publisher Description

His good friend Mark Twain dubbed him “St. Andrew.” British Prime Minister William Gladstone called him an “example” for the wealthy. Such terms seldom apply to multimillionaires. But Andrew Carnegie was no run-of-the-mill steel magnate. At age thirteen and full of dreams, he sailed from his native Dunfermline, Scotland, to America. The story of his success begins with a $1.20-a-week job at a bobbin factory. By the end of his life, he had amassed an unprecedented fortune—and given away more than 90 percent of it for the good of mankind.

Here, for the first time in one volume, are two impressive works by Andrew Carnegie himself: his autobiography and “The Gospel of Wealth,” a groundbreaking manifesto on the duty of the wealthy to give back to society all of their fortunes. And he practiced what he preached, erecting 1,600 libraries across the country, founding Carnegie Mellon University, building Carnegie Hall, and performing countless other acts of philanthropy because, as Carnegie wrote, “The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced.”

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About Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie was born in 1835 in Scotland. He immigrated to the United States and by 1889 he owned Carnegie Steel Corporation, the largest of its kind in the world. In 1901 he sold his business and dedicated his time to expanding his philanthropic work, including the establishment of Carnegie-Mellon University in 1904.

About the Narrators

John Lescault, a native of Massachusetts, is a graduate of the Catholic University of America. He lives in Washington, DC, where he works in theater.

John Lescault, a native of Massachusetts, is a graduate of the Catholic University of America. He lives in Washington, DC, where he works in theater.