Every morning, Judy measures Stink, and it's always the same: 3 feet, 8 inches tall. Stink feels like even the class newt is growing faster than he is. Then one day, the ruler reads--3 feet, 7 and three-quarter inches! Can it be? Is Stink shrinking? Stink tries everything to look like he's growing, but wearing up-and-down stripes and spiking his hair don't seem to be fooling anybody into thinking he's taller. What would James Madison, Stink's hero (and the shortest person to ever serve as President of the United States) do?
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"When my son Omar, noticed that his eldest sister Naama was really interested in the Judy Moody series, he begged to read them. But I found them quite harder han his level of reading. Then I found out that the Judy Moody fans requested a series for her brother stink. AND they were just perfect for my boy. The style is so engaging for a beginner who wants to try chapter books. I recommend."
— Maitha (5 out of 5 stars)
" I loved this book. I think children would have a great text to self connection with this story. I also liked how at the end of each chapter, there was a comic strip summarizing the chapter. The historical reference in this story is a great way to introduce class history projects to students. Great! "
— Aly, 2/17/2014" Stink, known as the little brother of Judy Moody, is the smallest kid in second grade. He is self-conscious about his height, made worse by the teasing of Judy. I couldn't really tell you plot of the book, even though I just read it last night. A beginning chapter book for early readers. "
— Deborah, 2/16/2014" Read to my 5 year old son. He enjoyed it, and for our first "Chapter Book" it held his attention fairly well. I liked the amount of educational value included in the book, while still keeping the book funny enough to entertain a little boy. We read it on a Kindle, which made the comic pictures different to read (which won't enlarge), so I might recommend it as a regular book if you're willing, but I prefer the Kindle version whenever possible, even with the drawbacks. We will be continuing the series. "
— Stacey, 2/12/2014" i like Stink because i am like stink "
— Harry, 1/29/2014" I preread some of my kids scholastic reading counts books, to try to help them better understand it. This series is definitely one of the very best, these books are great. "
— Toni, 1/25/2014" I thought this book was kind of funny and cool. It was a very awesome book because Stink is kind of weird and funny, and so is Stink's sister, Judy Moody. And they're kind of silly and a little bit crazy. "
— Gordon, 1/3/2014" I really like the cartoons throughout the book. "
— Julian, 1/1/2014" In this book, Stink shrinks a quarter of an inch. "
— Joe, 12/31/2013" I loved this book! The comics were great! I think the saddest part was when the newt fell. "
— Dina, 12/31/2013" In the book Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid it is absolutely hilarious. "
— 7709noushat, 12/29/2013" James Moody, AKA Stink thinks he is shrinking. Judy, his sister teases him. However, Stink does a project on the fourth president of the US - James Madison, who was also short, but who did great things. It is a fun book to read and fast paced. "
— Haim, 12/22/2013Megan McDonald is the creator of the popular and award-winning Judy Moody and Stink series. She is also the author of three Sisters Club stories, Ant and Honey Bee: A Pair of Friends at Halloween, and many other books for children. She lives in Sebastopol, California.
Nancy Cartwright has been the voice of Bart Simpson since 1987. She lives in the Los Angeles area.