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Sociopath: A Memoir Audiobook

Sociopath: A Memoir Audiobook, by Patric Gagne Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Patric Gagne Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 7.33 hours at 1.5x Speed 5.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: April 2024 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781797170770

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

54:48 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

34 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

22:14 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

A fascinating, revelatory memoir revealing the author’s struggle to come to terms with her own sociopathy and shed light on the often maligned and misunderstood mental illness.

Patric Gagne realized she made others uncomfortable before she even started kindergarten. Something about her caused people to react in a way she didn’t understand. She suspected it was because she didn’t feel things the way other kids did. Emotions like fear, guilt, and empathy eluded her. For the most part, she felt nothing. And she didn’t like the way that “nothing” felt.

She did her best to pretend she was like everyone else, but the constant pressure to conform to a society that she knew rejected anyone like her was unbearable. So Patric stole. She lied. She was occasionally violent. She became an expert lock-picker and home-invader. All with the goal of replacing the nothingness with…something.

In college, Patric finally confirmed what she’d long suspected. She was a sociopath. But even though it was the very first personality disorder identified—well over 200 years ago—sociopathy has been neglected by mental health professionals for decades. She was told there was no treatment, no hope for a normal life. She found herself haunted by sociopaths in pop culture, madmen, villains, and monsters. Her future looked grim.

But when Patric reconnects with an old flame, she gets a glimpse of a future beyond her diagnosis. If she’s capable of love, it must mean that she isn’t a monster. With the help of her sweetheart (and some curious characters she meets along the way) she embarks on a mission to prove that the millions of Americans who share her diagnosis aren’t all monsters either.

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"Am I missing something? I’m at her college years stage of the book and she’s so boring, nerdy, inconsiderate and anything but a sociopath- she wishes she was that interested "

— Sally (5 out of 5 stars)


  • "Completely fascinating.”

    — Cosmopolitan
  • “Holy moly, readers will be interested in this!”

    — New York Times Magazine
  • "A cross between a podcast by relationship therapist Esther Perel and a salacious tell-all.”

    — San Francisco Chronicle


  • A New York Times bestseller
  • A #1 Amazon bestseller in Personality Disorders
  • A New York Times Bestseller in Audio

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About Patric Gagne

Patric Gagne is a writer, former therapist, and advocate for people suffering from sociopathic, psychopathic, and anti-social personality disorders. She earned a PhD in clinical psychology with a dissertation that examined the relationship between sociopathy and anxiety. This research became the groundwork for her continued studies on sociopathic disorder, as well as the foundation for her memoir. She did her undergraduate work at the University of California at Los Angeles and earned her masters and doctorate at the California Graduate Institute of the Chicago School.