The New York Times bestselling craft guide that inspired the hit new TV show, At Home With Amy Sedaris
It's often been said that ugly people craft and attractive people have sex. In Simple Times, Amy Sedaris sets the record straight and delivers a book that will forever change the world of crafting. Demonstrating that crafting is one of life's more pleasurable and constructive leisure activities, Sedaris shows that anyone with a couple of hours to kill and access to pipe cleaners can join the elite society of crafters.
You will discover how to make popular crafts such as Pompom Ringworms and Seashell Toilet Seat Covers, all while avoiding the most common crafting accidents (sawdust fires, feather asphyxia, pine cone lodged in throat). You will cook your own edible crafts, from a Crafty Candle Salad to Sugar Skulls, with many more recipes and craft ideas that will inspire you to create your very own hastily constructed obscure d'arts.
Praise for Simple Times
"Amy Sedaris is a kookier, kitschier version of Martha Stewart...Simple Times is an ideal gift for the crafter who has crafted everything." - Associated Press
"A wildly cheeky guide." -- InStyle
"For anyone who's ever collected hats crocheted together...or simply for fans of Amy Sedaris and her idiosyncratic sense of humor." -- New York Times Book Review
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"oh my what can a person say about this book. There is nothing in this book you would really want to make and display in your house....not really. That is unless you are going for that weird serial killer, crazy woman decor, then maybe this book has everything you need. I may not want to make anything that's in this book but I still love to share it with people, and place it on my coffee table because you can not look through this book without laughing out loud at something. Amy as always I love you."
— Libbie (5 out of 5 stars)
“Simple Times has strong potential as a gift for anyone who’s ever collected hats crocheted together, or Barbie dolls in knitted antebellum dresses designed to cover an extra roll of toilet paper—or simply for fans of Amy Sedaris and her idiosyncratic sense of humor.”
— New York Times Book Review“Imagine a Girl Scout jamboree suddenly overtaken by a band of circus freaks. That’s roughly the effect of Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People, the colorful new craft book by comedian Amy Sedaris.”
— Wall Street Journal“Will leave readers in stitches.”
— Boston Herald“A wildly cheeky guide.”
— InStyle“Sedaris’ wildly wacky crafts and gift of side-splitting laughter are a perfect combination.”
— Audiofile“Those looking to make conventional crafts, obviously, should look elsewhere. Everyone else should sit down, have a laugh, and make your very own bean-and-leaf James Brown mosaic.”
— Booklist" This book is hilarious and it has some good craft ideas. "
— Jennifer, 2/18/2014" Amy Sedaris is cuckoo in a good way. This satirical book made me laugh hard in certain parts. Other sections of the book seemed as if they were just stuck in the middle to make the book a certain size. I wish I could see Amy do her comic act live - her quiky sense of humor takes me away from all the troubles of the world. "
— Clare, 1/30/2014" Absolutely hilarious. I'd never read anything by her before but I was cracking up listening to this audiobook about crafting. It's all one big joke (I didn't know it was going to be like that until after I got into reading it) but it was a great one. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who likes to make things. "
— Sarah, 1/28/2014" Simple Times is great for any crafter or anyone thinking about starting to make crafts. It caters to every audience including the disabled, teenagers and even disabled teenagers. Some of the crafts lack instructions. But Amy trains you in exercises to use your imagination. The book also includes some recipes for cookies, fudge cakes, and sausage to name a few. "
— Laura, 1/12/2014" It's slightly humorous, but I just couldn't enjoy to the fullest. Some interesting ideas, but otherwise--crap. "
— Krys, 1/7/2014" A funny little book of quirky crafts. Good for a laugh, and maybe a few strange gifts to give to friends. "
— Rebecca, 1/3/2014" Amy Sedaris is fun and cute. While I love the pictures and commentary, it's doubtful that I'd ever make any of these crafts. Somehow I don't think that's the point of this. Good times, good times. Not quite as good as "I Like You." "
— Megan, 1/3/2014" I laughed more at the ridiculous pictures of crafts and costumes than I did at her writing. "
— Alyssa, 1/2/2014" this book was not even worth my time. It had strange crafts that no one would ever make ... I know it was suppossed to be funny but I didn't think it was funny. "
— Keli, 12/19/2013" very funny, and an interesting POV "
— Mike, 12/14/2013" A few cheap laughs but not as clever as I hoped. "
— Jamie, 12/10/2013Amy Sedaris has appeared frequently on screen, both large and small. She is co-creator, with Stephen Colbert and Paul Dinello, of Comedy Central’s hit show Strangers with Candy and half of the Obie-winning “Talent Family” playwright team, with her brother, David. Amy lives in Manhattan with her imaginary boyfriend, Ricky, and her pet rabbit, Dusty.