D. A. Carson, one of today's most notable Bible scholars, introduces the irony, scandal, and greatness of the work done on the cross.How are Christians to approach the central gospel teachings concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus? The Bible firmly establishes the historicity of these events and doesn't leave their meanings ambiguous or open to interpretation. Even so, there is an irony and surprising strangeness to the cross. Carson shows that this strange irony has deep implications for our lives as he examines the history and theology of Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection.Scandalous is the latest addition to the Re:Lit series, which highlights important theological truths in accessible and applicable ways. Both amateur theologians and general readers will appreciate how Carson deftly preserves weighty theology while simultaneously noting the broader themes of Jesus' death and resurrection. Through exposition of five primary passages of Scripture, Carson helps us to more fully understand and appreciate the scandal of the cross.
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"I love D.A. Carson. I love his penetrating analysis of Scripture and the polite emotion that bubbles through his intellectualism when he writes something that touches his passion for God. I was thoroughly pleased to read this collection of five speeches that he delivered at Mars Hill Church. I don't know if I have ever listened to the audio recordings of the original talks, but Dr. Carson does a great job in this book of adapting them for the written medium (lots of parenthetical citations, for example). I don't know if each essay ties strictly to a central theme any more specific than "Jesus," but each is quite good. For example, there is an analysis of various ironies present in the story of the crucifixion, and there is also a beautiful exploration of doubt that is informed by the encounters between Thomas and his risen Lord. Dr. Carson shares a powerful discussion of the implications of various aspects of the miraculous raising of Lazarus from the dead that really challenged me about my basic presumptions when I think about that event. In the end, I think the loose relations between the essays in this book make it unnecessarily difficult to describe, but the clear strengths of each individual essay make it easy to recommend."
— Kurt (4 out of 5 stars)
“This is vintage Carson—informed exegesis and engaging exposition, theologically rich and devotionally warm, lucid, insightful, probing. God’s truth glows! Don Carson shows us what the Bible is for, and his words make me want to preach the scandalous cross of Christ with greater passion.”
— Bill Kynes, author of A Christology of Solidarity“What happens when one of the world's preeminent theologians expounds on some of the Bible's prominent texts? This book.”
— Mark Driscoll, founding pastor, Mars Hill Church, Seattle" The Gospel of Jesus Christ rests on two pillars, the Cross and the Resurrection, each of which would be meaningless without the other. The meaning that Christians attach to these events is foolishness to the world and hence it is scandalous to believe them and build your life on them, unless they are true, which they are. D.A.Carson (one of the great evangelical Bible scholars today) believes that and unpacks their meaning in a helpful way. Christians can never study the Gospel too thoroughly. This book is a help in doing so. "
— Henry, 2/3/2014" Great content but it didn't make me want to turn the page like Carson normally does "
— Job, 1/10/2014" D.A. Carson is a master Bible scholar, but able to put things so clearly and succinctly for laypeople. I love how he points out the literary use of irony in Matthew. His exegesis of Romans 3:21-26 is worth the price of the book, and his treatment of the story of Lazarus is phenomenal. This book is a treasure, a combination of exegesis and rich devotional thoughts. A must read! "
— Kara, 1/9/2014" Collection of sermons preached on the gospel. "
— Cbarrett, 12/28/2013" A great book, a short read and very worth it! "
— Jared, 12/28/2013" A series of sermons from Dr. Carson on the cross and resurrection of Christ. Very helpful, accessible, and all around good read. "
— Tyler, 12/27/2013" I really enjoyed this book, and benefited from Carson's way of mining to the depths of the passages he addresses in this book. I had not previously how Jesus' words and actions proved to be so scandalous to His culture AND to ours. Especially helpful was the background of the Lazarus episode. "
— Dan, 12/12/2013" Another great read by D. A. Carson! "
— Michael, 12/9/2013" Read the first chapter on the ironies of Jesus' cruxifixion. Great stuff "
— Thomas, 12/5/2013" Reading this in my preparation for the upcoming Easter Weekend. "
— Al, 12/3/2013" Really good. A book that I must read once a year. "
— Becky, 5/6/2013D. A. Carson is research professor of the New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is cofounder (with Tim Keller) of the Gospel Coalition, and has written or edited nearly sixty books. He has served as a pastor and is an active guest lecturer in church and academic settings around the world.