The wait is over. Humanity is going through a major learning curve on its path to maturity and we are already fully immersed in the adventure. Ideas that seemed impossible just five or ten years ago, are today becoming a part of the mass consciousness. Every person on Earth is playing a vital role in that global transformation of consciousness that we are presently experiencing, and every person’s personal thoughts and actions are intricately intertwined with the greater journey we are all on together. Christiane Turner, NLP Trainer and Author, invites you to the magical place of self discovery and transformation that will lead to enhancing your own life and the contribution you are able to make to the larger systems you are a part of… your family, your community, your country and ultimately the whole planet. Let her gently guide you to new possibilities as she teaches you: Awareness - The first step towards transformation Acknowledgement - Being with what is Acceptance - Gratitude for the learning Appreciation - Being present in the moment Accountability - Being responsible Awakening - Raising Consciousness
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"I listened to this on audio recording. It was extremely thought provoking and confirmed much of what I already believe to be true about the way our thoughts affect our whole lives. Her German accent was a little difficult at times - but really glad I read (!) it "
— Margot (4 out of 5 stars)
" Great stories! Christiane has a very sweet demeanor and is fun to listen to. "
— Andrea, 9/25/2012" Great stories! Christiane has a very sweet demeanor and is fun to listen to. "
— Andrea, 7/23/2011" not so elaborating on the subject, just a banch of personal experiance "
— Mohammed, 4/22/2011" not so elaborating on the subject, just a banch of personal experiance "
— Mohammed, 10/8/2010" not so elaborating on the subject, just a banch of personal experiance "
— Mohammed, 9/12/2010" Great stories! Christiane has a very sweet demeanor and is fun to listen to. "
— Andrea, 6/1/2009" Interesting to read this again after having experienced the energy healing training. I understand it much more completely now. <br/> <br/>Originally read May 2008. "
— Wendy, 5/31/2008Christiane Turner is an international Quantum NLP trainer, coach, and consultant. She is the author of Quantum NLP: Thought Into Manifestation and lives in Salt Lake City.
Téa Obreht was born in Belgrade in the former Yugoslavia in 1985 and has lived in the United States since the age of twelve. Her writing has been published in the New Yorker, the Atlantic, Harper’s, and the Guardian, and has been anthologized in The Best American Short Stories and The Best American Nonrequired Reading. She has been named by the New Yorker as one of the twenty best American fiction writers under forty. She lives in New York.