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Party of One: The Loners' Manifesto Audiobook

Party of One: The Loners Manifesto Audiobook, by Anneli Rufus Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Thérèse Plummer Publisher: Da Capo Lifelong Books Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 5.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 4.25 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: November 2018 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781549173127

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

53:16 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

06:56 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

27:10 minutes

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Publisher Description

An essential defense of the people the world loves to revile -- the loners -- yet without whom it would be lost The Buddha. Rene Descartes. Emily Dickinson. Greta Garbo. Bobby Fischer. J. D. Salinger: Loners, all -- along with as many as 25 percent of the world's population. Loners keep to themselves, and like it that way. Yet in the press, in films, in folklore, and nearly everywhere one looks, loners are tagged as losers and psychopaths, perverts and pity cases, ogres and mad bombers, elitists and wicked witches. Too often, loners buy into those messages and strive to change, making themselves miserable in the process by hiding their true nature -- and hiding from it. Loners as a group deserve to be reassessed -- to claim their rightful place, rather than be perceived as damaged goods that need to be "fixed." In Party of One Anneli Rufus--a prize-winning, critically acclaimed writer with talent to burn -- has crafted a morally urgent, historically compelling tour de force -- a long-overdue argument in defense of the loner, then and now. Marshalling a polymath's easy erudition to make her case, assembling evidence from every conceivable arena of culture as well as interviews with experts and loners worldwide and her own acutely calibrated analysis, Rufus rebuts the prevailing notion that aloneness is indistinguishable from loneliness, the fallacy that all of those who are alone don't want to be, and wouldn't be, if only they knew how.

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“A founding manifesto for an organization of self-contained people…A clever and spirited defense.”

— Kirkus Reviews

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About Anneli Rufus

Anneli Rufus is the critically acclaimed author of several books including The Scavengers’ Manifesto and Party of One: A Loner’s Manifesto. An award-winning journalist and poet, she has written for dozens of publications including the San Francisco Chronicle, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, and Salon. She lives in Berkeley, California.

About Thérèse Plummer

Thérèse Plummer is an actor, award-winning voice-over artist, and counselor. She has won eighteen AudioFile Earphones Awards and has been a finalist for the prestigious Audie Award for best narration. She has appeared in a variety of television and film roles. As a counselor for adolescents, she spent five years using drama therapy techniques in individual and group settings.