"Paradise Regained" by John Milton, a profound sequel to "Paradise Lost," turns its focus to the biblical tale of Jesus Christ's temptation in the wilderness. Challenging Satan's cunning offers of worldly power and glory, Jesus stands firm, embodying spiritual resilience and humility. Imbued with rich theological insight, the poem explores themes of redemption, obedience, and divine purpose. Through majestic verse, Milton showcases the triumph of faith over temptation, highlighting a path to spiritual restoration and ultimate victory for humanity.
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John Milton (1608–1674) is considered to be among the most learned of all English poets. After graduating from Cambridge, Milton undertook six years of self-directed study in theology, philosophy, history, politics, literature, and science. He then spent several years writing pamphlets for the Puritan and Parliamentary causes. His incessant labors setting the typeface eventually led to blindness. His masterpiece, Paradise Lost, was composed in memory and dictated to a scribe.