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Paradise Lost Audiobook

Paradise Lost Audiobook, by John Milton Audio Sample Unavailable
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Read By: Wanda McCaddon Publisher: christianaudio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 6.33 hours at 1.5x Speed 4.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: August 2006 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781596442450

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

75:39 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

53:34 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

70:40 minutes

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Publisher Description

Of Man's first disobedience and the fruit // Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste // Brought death into the world and all our woe, // With loss of Eden, till on greater Man //Restore us and regain the blissful seat // Sing, Heavenly Muse... // Thus begins the epic poem, considered the greatest in the English language, as John Milton seeks to “justify the ways of God to men” through relating the story of Satan’s rebellion in Heaven, the deception and fall of Man, and the presaged event of Redemption through Jesus, the Son of God…the “Second Adam.” // An English cleric with a classical education, Milton lost his eyesight in 1652, and thus the story was largely dictated by the blind poet, lending a certain quality of the ancient oral epics, which only serves to enhance the telling of the tale. Weaving classical mythology with a deep knowledge and reference to Scripture, Milton's genius for narrative unfolds what his biographer, Samuel Johnson, called his "peculiar power to astonish." // Nadia May has narrated over five hundred audiobooks and has earned the prestigious AudioFile Golden Voice award, as well as fourteen Earphone awards. She is an accomplished film, TV, and theater actress. Wanda’s native British voice complements her graduate education in English Literature from UC Berkeley to make her delivery of John Milton’s Paradise Lost engaging and nuanced.

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About John Milton

John Milton (1608–1674) is considered to be among the most learned of all English poets. After graduating from Cambridge, Milton undertook six years of self-directed study in theology, philosophy, history, politics, literature, and science. He then spent several years writing pamphlets for the Puritan and Parliamentary causes. His incessant labors setting the typeface eventually led to blindness. His masterpiece, Paradise Lost, was composed in memory and dictated to a scribe.

About Wanda McCaddon

Wanda McCaddon (d. 2023) narrated well over six hundred titles for major audiobook publishers, sometimes with the pseudonym Nadia May or Donada Peters. She earned the prestigious Audio Award for best narration and numerous Earphones Awards. She was named a Golden Voice by AudioFile magazine.