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Pangolina Audiobook

Pangolina Audiobook, by Jane Goodall Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Jane Goodall Publisher: Recorded Books, Inc. Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.13 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: February 2023 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781705078129

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

09:52 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

17 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

06:33 minutes

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Publisher Description

From legendary naturalist Jane Goodall, an absorbing fictional tale that will steal hearts and open minds about the plight of the pangolin, the only mammalian species with scales, and endangered by illegal trafficking. After a blissful babyhood being cared for by her loving mother, Pangolina ventures out alone into the forest to become an independent adult, helped along by wise, older animal companions, including a civet and a bat. But one day cruel hunters trap Pangolina, putting her into a cage along with her friends, and bring them to a market to be sold as wild game. Pangolina is especially vulnerable, since her scales are prized by humans who believe they have curative powers. To the rescue comes a small girl who knows that pangolins are friendly fellow creatures who have feelings too, and who convinces her mother to buy Pangolina and set her free. Jane Goodall's many followers and all animal-loving children and adult picture book fans will be riveted by this suspenseful and heartwarming fictional story set in China and including an authoritative informational page about pangolins and suggestions for how to help fight animal trafficking.

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About the Authors

Dr. Jane Goodall is an ethologist and environmentalist. Her research at Gombe national park has given us an in-depth understanding of chimpanzee behavior. The research continues, but since then she has travelled the world raising awareness and learning about the threats we all face today, especially climate change and loss of biodiversity. As author of many books for adults and children and featured in countless documentaries and articles, she has reached millions around the world with her lectures, podcasts, and writings. She was appointed as a United Nations Messenger of Peace, is a Dame of the British Empire, and has received countless honors from around the world. Through her sixty years of groundbreaking research, she has become one of the most recognized living scientists in the world.