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No Way Out: A Story of Valor in the Mountains of Afghanistan Audiobook

No Way Out: A Story of Valor in the Mountains of Afghanistan Audiobook, by Mitch Weiss Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Corey Snow Publisher: Tantor Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 5.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 3.88 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: February 2017 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781515988526

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

27:31 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

01:00 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

04:54 minutes

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Publisher Description

In a remote, enemy-held valley in Afghanistan, a Special Forces team planned to scale a steep mountain to surprise and capture a terrorist leader. But before they found the target, the target found them . . .

The team was caught in a deadly ambush that not only threatened their lives, but the entire mission. The elite soldiers fought huddled for hours on a small rock ledge as rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine-gun fire rained down on them. With total disregard for their own safety, they tended to their wounded and kept fighting to stay alive. When the battle finally ended, ten soldiers had earned Silver Stars—the Army's third highest award for combat valor. It was the most Silver Stars awarded to any unit in one battle since Vietnam.

Based on dozens of interviews with those who were there, No Way Out is a compelling narrative of an epic battle that not only tested the soldiers' mettle but serves as a cautionary tale. Be careful what you ask a soldier to do because they will die trying to accomplish their mission.

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"In this compelling, multi-dimensional account, Weiss and Maurer remind us of the extraordinary risks soldiers take and the sacrifices they make every day both for their country, and for each other."

— Publishers Weekly

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About the Authors

Harry Chase has over thirty years of experience in voice-overs and acting. He is most recognized as the voice of Captain Morgan’s Rum. His work includes feature film trailers as well as spots for Quiznos, Sony Vaio, Disney on Broadway, CNN, CBS, Lifetime, Sci-Fi and National Geographic. Harry’s voice can also be heard in video games such as Grand Theft Auto IV and as Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar. Harry won a Best Voice Over Golden Trailer Award for his work on the movie trailer for The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford starring Brad Pitt.

Kevin Maurer has covered special operations forces for nine years. He has been embedded with the Special Forces in Afghanistan six times, spent a month in 2006 with special operations units in east Africa, and has been embedded with US forces in Iraq and Haiti. He is the author of four books, including several about special operations.

About Corey Snow

Corey M. Snow is a full-time audiobook narrator and voice talent from the great Pacific Northwest working from his home studio in Olympia, Washington. Before becoming a narrator, he was a typesetter, a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division, a software developer, and much more. He has recorded numerous audiobooks, including the DeChance Chronicles by David Niall Wilson, Crescent Lake by David Sakmyster, and the riveting Black Hearts by Time magazine editor Jim Frederick.