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Hunting Che: How a U.S. Special Forces Team Helped Capture the World's Most Famous Revolutionary Audiobook

Hunting Che: How a U.S. Special Forces Team Helped Capture the Worlds Most Famous Revolutionary Audiobook, by Mitch Weiss Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Robertson Dean Publisher: Tantor Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 5.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 3.88 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: July 2013 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781452681702

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

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Longest Chapter Length:

40:25 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

06:46 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

16:27 minutes

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Publisher Description

By the mid-1960s, Guevera had become famous for his outspoken criticism of the United States and his support for armed Communist insurgencies. He had been one of the architects of the Cuban Revolution, and was attempting to repeat his success throughout Latin America. His guerrilla tactics and talent for proselytizing made him a threat to American foreign policy—and when he turned his attention to Bolivia in 1967, the Pentagon made a decision: Che had to be eliminated.

Major Ralph "Pappy" Shelton was called upon to lead the mission to train the Bolivians. With a hand-picked team of specialists, his first task was to transform a ragtag group of peasants into a trained fighting force who could also gather intelligence. Gary Prado, a Bolivian officer, volunteered to join the newly formed Bolivian Rangers. Joined by Felix Rodriguez, a Cuban exile working for the CIA, the Americans and Bolivians searched for Che. The size of Che's group and when they would strike were unknowns, and the stakes were high. If Bolivia fell, it would validate Che's theories and throw South America into turmoil.

Hunting Che follows the exploits of Major Shelton, Felix Rodriguez, and Gary Prado—the Bolivian Ranger commander who ultimately captured him. The story begins with Che's arrival in Bolivia and follows the hunt to the dramatic confrontation and capture of the iconic leader in the southeastern village of La Higuera. With the White House and the Pentagon secretly monitoring every move, Shelton and his team changed history, and prevented a catastrophic threat from taking root in the West.

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“This revealing account of Che Guevara’s ill-fated guerrilla campaign in Bolivia in 1967 and his capture and excecution by US-aided Bolivian forces offers a new perspective on the iconic revolutionary’s last days…Their description of the molding of the Bolivian units into an effective fighting force by US Green Berets is engrossing, and they provide a detailed account of the final hours of Che’s life.”

— Booklist


  • An entertaining new perspective.

    — Publishers Weekly
  • “An entertaining new perspective.”

    — Publishers Weekly

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About the Authors

Harry Chase has over thirty years of experience in voice-overs and acting. He is most recognized as the voice of Captain Morgan’s Rum. His work includes feature film trailers as well as spots for Quiznos, Sony Vaio, Disney on Broadway, CNN, CBS, Lifetime, Sci-Fi and National Geographic. Harry’s voice can also be heard in video games such as Grand Theft Auto IV and as Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar. Harry won a Best Voice Over Golden Trailer Award for his work on the movie trailer for The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford starring Brad Pitt.

Kevin Maurer has covered special operations forces for nine years. He has been embedded with the Special Forces in Afghanistan six times, spent a month in 2006 with special operations units in east Africa, and has been embedded with US forces in Iraq and Haiti. He is the author of four books, including several about special operations.

About Robertson Dean

Robertson Dean has played leading roles on and off Broadway and at dozens of regional theaters throughout the country. He has a BA from Tufts University and an MFA from Yale. His audiobook narration has garnered ten AudioFile Earphones Awards. He now lives in Los Angeles, where he works in film and television in addition to narrating.