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Love Not The World: A Prophetic Call to Holy Living Audiobook

Love Not The World: A Prophetic Call to Holy Living Audiobook, by Watchman Nee Audio Sample Unavailable
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Read By: George W. Sarris Publisher: christianaudio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 2.33 hours at 1.5x Speed 1.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2014 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781610459211

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Longest Chapter Length:

23:01 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

02:41 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

16:57 minutes

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Publisher Description

Having every one of us been in bondage to sin, we readily believe that sinful things are Satanic; but do we believe equally that the things of the world are Satanic? Many of us, I think, are still in two minds about this. Yet how clearly Scripture affirms that "the whole world lieth in the evil one" (1 John 5:19). Satan well knows that, generally speaking, to try to ensnare real Christians through things that are positively sinful is vain and futile. They will usually sense the danger and elude him. So he had contrived instead an enticing network, the mesh of which is so skillfully woven as to entrap the most innocent of men. We flee sinful lusts, and with good reason, but when it comes to such seemingly innocuous things as science and art and education, how readily do we lose our sense of values and fall a prey to his enticements!

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About the Authors

Watchman Nee (1903–1972) is remembered for his leadership of an indigenous church movement in China, as well as for his books, which continue to enrich Christians throughout the world. Beginning in the 1930s, he helped establish local churches in China that were independent of foreign missionary organizations and were used to bring many into the Kingdom of God. From these roots sprang many of the house churches that continued to meet after Western missionaries were forced to leave the country during the Cultural Revolution. Arrested in 1952 and found guilty of a large number of false charges, Nee was imprisoned until his death.

George W. Sarris holds a BS in speech from Northwestern University and a master of divinity from Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary. His experience with local, regional, and national radio and television commercials includes clients like Burger King, Pizza Hut, Sprint, UPS, Honda, AT&T, and American Express, among many others.