In this third installment in Blackston’s Flabbergasted trilogy, Jay, the former-stockbroker-turned-missionary, travels to Australia for an exotic vacation. Accompanying him is his girlfriend, Allie Kyle, his best friend, Steve Cole, and Allie's lime-green-loving soul sister, Darcy Yeager.Jay is only a day into his romantic trip ‘down under’ when he makes an unpleasant discovery: Steve had the same plan for this vacation, and packed an engagement ring to present to his own sweetheart during the trip. So who proposes second and looks like a copycat? Not to be deterred, Jay and Steve come up with a plan. They will trek in different directions with their beloveds, without raising the girls' suspicions. Each man will have a limited time to carry out his plan, and the couples will rendezvous later at a predetermined location. All goes well until Jay and Allie find themselves stranded in the outback with little food or water, a jeep the color of the red dirt that surrounds them, and no way to let anyone know where they are.
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"I thought the book was a lot of fun. It helps if you've read the previous two so you have a bit more of an emotional attachment to the charaters. With out the attachment the book can seem a bit dry sometimes (no pun intended) but still a good read. :-)"
— Rivkah. (4 out of 5 stars)
" The last book in the Flabbergasted trilogy. It was sorely not as good as the first two. It included several cliches that the author obviously avoided in the first book. I was disappointed, but it did resolve a few cliffhangers cutely. "
— Karen, 11/24/2013" This was a fun airplane read. However, the ending was disappointingly predictable, especially after reading the two books that preceed this one. "
— Katie, 11/13/2013" * * * Fun and entertaining book. Could see what was coming having traveled in the outback! "
— Wilma, 9/14/2013" The last installment of the story. Love, love, loved the whole trilogy. "
— Ila, 4/28/2013" Third book about Jay Jarvis & Allie Kyle, the Ecuadorian Missionaries -- they are single and becoming married, friends on a trip to Australia. (Hey Ray, have you got #4 finished?) "
— Pamela, 12/2/2012" I really liked the series and the characters, but this was my least favorite of the 3. "
— Tina, 7/5/2012" This was not my favorite of Blackston's. Too much clueless, lovestruck dopieness for me. "
— MB, 5/12/2012" Just a fun book to read "
— Amber, 5/9/2012" A fun story about Americans in the outback - inevitably, they get lost and commence a journey of self-discovery, relationships and trust in God. "
— Nathan, 12/23/2011" I have to say this was the best one of the series. "
— Jennifer, 11/30/2011" The last installment of the story. Love, love, loved the whole trilogy. "
— Ila, 4/2/2011" A fun story about Americans in the outback - inevitably, they get lost and commence a journey of self-discovery, relationships and trust in God. "
— Nathan, 2/16/2010" This was not my favorite of Blackston's. Too much clueless, lovestruck dopieness for me. "
— MB, 4/9/2009" This was a fun airplane read. However, the ending was disappointingly predictable, especially after reading the two books that preceed this one. "
— Katie, 7/29/2008" Just a fun book to read "
— Amber, 1/24/2008" I have to say this was the best one of the series. "
— Jennifer, 11/14/2007" The last book in the Flabbergasted trilogy. It was sorely not as good as the first two. It included several cliches that the author obviously avoided in the first book. I was disappointed, but it did resolve a few cliffhangers cutely. "
— Karen, 7/18/2007