La última batalla Audiobook, by C. S. Lewis Play Audiobook Sample

La última batalla Audiobook

La última batalla Audiobook, by C. S. Lewis Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Idzi Dutkiewicz Publisher: Grupo Nelson Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.33 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: January 2024 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781400342860

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

21:23 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

19 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

17:03 minutes

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Publisher Description

Narnia… donde hay que decir adiós… y donde la aventura comienza de nuevo.

El unicornio afirma que los humanos son traídos a Narnia cuando allí hay agitación y problemas. Y Narnia está en problemas ahora: Un falso Aslan vaga por la tierra. La única esperanza es que Eustace y Jill, viejos amigos de Narnia, puedan encontrar al verdadero Aslan y devolverle la paz a la tierra. Su tarea es difícil pues, como dice el centauro: «Las estrellas no mienten nunca, pero los hombres y las bestias sí». ¿Quién es el verdadero Aslan y quién el impostor? .

Por primera vez, el lenguaje de los siete libros clásicos ha sido adaptado para el lector latinoamericano y editado para garantizar la coherencia de los nombres, personajes, lugares y acontecimientos dentro del universo de Narnia. Además, presentan las cubiertas e ilustraciones originales de Pauline Barnes.

Aunque forma parte de una saga, este es un libro independiente. Adéntrate una y otra vez en el mundo encantado de Las crónicas de Narnia. Hay siete libros en total.

The Last Battle

Narnia… donde hay que decir adiós… y donde la aventura comienza de nuevo.

The unicorn claims that humans are brought to Narnia when there is turmoil and trouble there. And Narnia is in trouble now: a false Aslan roams the land. The only hope is that Eustace and Jill, old friends from Narnia, can find the real Aslan and restore peace to the land. Their task is difficult for, as the centaur says, "The stars never lie, but men and beasts do." Who is the true Aslan and who is the impostor?

For the first time, the language of the seven classic books has been adapted for the Latin American reader and edited to ensure consistency of names, characters, places and events within the Narnia universe. In addition, they feature the original covers and illustrations by Pauline Barnes.

Although it is part of a saga, this is a stand-alone book. Delve again and again into the enchanted world of The Chronicles of Narnia. There are seven books in all.

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About C. S. Lewis

Clive Staples Lewis (1898–1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably the most influential Christian writer of his day. He was a fellow and tutor in English literature at Oxford University until 1954, when he was unanimously elected to the chair of Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement. His major contributions to literary criticism, children’s literature, fantasy literature, and popular theology brought him international renown and acclaim. Lewis wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. His most distinguished and popular accomplishments include the Chronicles of Narnia, Out of the Silent PlanetThe Four LovesThe Screwtape Letters, and Mere Christianity.