You Think You Love Him Now...
Just wait till you’ve spent 90 solid days enmeshed in His life, walking with Him through triumph and trial, reacting to the very same questions He posed to His first followers.
That’s because this is deeper than daily devotional. This is Bible study. This is a plunge into the Word’s picturesque original languages. Yet it’s also an invitation to quietly sit at His side and awaken your spirit, to hear and respond through journaling and prayer. To love Him. Oh, to love Him!
Jesus: 90 Days with the One and Only is everything you’d expect a Beth Moore devotional audio book to be — the perfect blending of your heart, hers,... and His.
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"Gift from mom :) going to refocus my energy Great read on Jesus' life - an organized account straight from the gospels. Reminded me what He accomplished in His short life and helped to strengthen my relationship and understanding. Forgiveness does a lot! "
— Alexi (5 out of 5 stars)
" This has been.a wonderful devotion book for me. I have always appreciated Beth Moore studies. "
— Kathy, 10/6/2012" If I could rate 1/2 stars, this would be 3.5 stars. "
— Tracy, 8/26/2012" Read this for 90 days during my quiet time. It was very eye opening and entertaining to read Beth's stories. Most importantly I grew in wisdom about my best friend, Jesus! Cherished my mornings with the Lord and Beth =) "
— Monta, 12/9/2011" In typical (read: wonderful, insightful, & funny) Beth Moore style - this devotional/Bible study is a beautiful daily telling of the Christmas story up until the Easter story. Beth's commentary helps you feel like you were walking right beside Jesus the whole way. "
— Katie, 12/8/2010" I liked the book, but I listened to it on audiobook. I think I would've gotten way more out of it had I physically read it. "
— Bethany, 10/2/2010" You will fall in love all over again with the Savior. With the in depth meaning of the original languages, Beth takes you even deeper into the love that Jesus has for us. Highly recommended. "
— Linda, 7/29/2010" Recommendation from a sister to read this. Beth Moore's writing isn't my style generally. It's a little too girl-friendish for my taste. BUT..I enjoyed the content a lot. I found myself thinking a lot about the images she evoked of the birth of Christ. "
— Kate, 2/8/2010" My dear friends Megan and Emilie did this as a Bible Study with audio. This is not one to miss! "
— Carrie, 8/7/2009" It was a good look at the Gospel of Luke. "
— Stacy, 4/13/2009" a really cool bible study. i like when bible studies getting you thinking about your own personal thoughts and things rather than just throwing a bunch of info at you! "
— Shanna, 3/26/2009" In-depth study on the life of Jesus... what more can I say?! This was the first Beth Moore book that I read, and she quickly became one of my favorite authors after reading this book. "
— Beth, 2/20/2009Kim P. Davis, author and speaker, is the compiling editor of Voices of the Faithful. For more than thirteen years, she and her family served in Africa as missionaries. She is a journalism graduate of the University of Georgia.
Renee Ertl is an audiobook narrator and actress with more than a hundred voice-over, print, on-camera commercial, and corporate video projects to her credit. She started working in the industry as an actress in summer stock and dinner theater, and she has traveled extensively, performing on cruise ships and touring with “Up with People.”