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Jane Eyre Audiobook

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Read By: Robin Siegerman, Blaise Doran, Graham Scott, Mai Ling Turner, Denis Daly, Alexandra Lee Smith, Jen Smith, a full cast Publisher: Voices of Today Pty LTD Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 14.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 10.88 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: May 2024 Format: Audio Theater Audiobook ISBN: 9798874811594

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

75:45 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

26 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

31:14 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

First published in 1847, Jane Eyre was the most popular of the novels composed by the Brontë sisters. The narrative bristles with energy and passionate conviction, and was the first English-language novel written from the perspective of a child.

Jane is an orphan, raised in the household of an unsympathetic aunt, who shows great favor to her own children—but not to Jane. Jane is soon sent to a boarding school, presided over by the harsh and tyrannical Mr. Brocklehurst. She completes her education and works for two years as a teacher before applying to be governess at Thornfield Hall, a rural mansion in Yorkshire.

There, Jane and the master, Edward Rochester, fall in love. A wedding is planned. But the ceremony is interrupted by a claim that Rochester is already married … 

Jane flees over the moor. She spends the little money she has saved, and finds herself homeless and starving in an unfamiliar town. Jane is taken in by the Rivers, who nurse her back to health, and an alternative future begins to unfold. But the voice of Rochester continues calling to her …

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“The greatness of this book rises triumphant and supreme by reason of its beauty and its white-hot sincerity…Never before in the history of English fiction had there been anything to approach this picture, of pure passion, not only of a man for a woman, but of a woman for a man.”

— E. F. Benson, author of Charlotte Brontë

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About Charlotte Brontë

Charlotte Brontë (1816–1855) grew up in the isolated parsonage at Haworth, Yorkshire, where her father was curate. She and her sisters Emily and Anne thrived in fantasy worlds that drew on their voracious reading of Shakespeare, romantic, and gothic fiction. Charlotte was employed as a teacher and a governess before she began writing with her sisters. The Professor, her first novel, was rejected for publication until 1857, although Jane Eyre, published in 1847 under a pseudonym, achieved great success.

About the Narrators

Graham Scott is a narrator and voice actor based in the UK. As well as solo performances of works by authors including PG Wodehouse, Charles Dickens, R Austin Freeman, Dorothy L. Sayers, Jules Verne, Anna Katherine Green, Joseph Conrad, GK Chesterton, and John Buchan, Graham is also a regular performer in group productions with both Voices of Today and the Online Stage. Website:

Mai Ling Turner is a multi-lingual narrator, located in Brisbane, Australia. She has a professional background in broadcast media, narration, writing, editing, and marketing.

Denis Daly is an audiobook narrator and codirector of Voices of Today, an Australian spoken word production house.