The final (and longest) story in James Joyce's short story collection "The Dubliners," "The Dead" is one of Joyce's most beloved works of short fiction. Taking place at Christmastime, the tale revolves around Gabriel Conroy and his wife Gretta, who are attending a holiday party hosted by Gabriel's elderly aunts. In typical Joycean style, this seemingly mundane setting hides many of the guests' secrets and mysteries, not the least of which is shielded by Gretta herself. When her great secret finally spills forth, it has a profound and immediate effect on Gabriel. A powerful and elegiac examination of life, love and the very nature of the Irish identity, this volume is presented in its original and unabridged format.
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James Joyce (1882–1941) was an Irish expatriate writer, widely considered to be one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. He is best known for his landmark novel Ulysses and its highly controversial successor Finnegans Wake, as well as the short-story collection Dubliners and the semi-autobiographical novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.