Generation Misfits by Akemi Dawn Bowman is a heartwarming, fish-out-of-water own voices story about an eleven-year-old Japanese-American girl who finds her true friends—through the power of J-Pop! Millie is attending a real school for the first time and dreams of finally having friends and a little bit of freedom. So when she joins an imitation band of her favorite J-Pop group, she's thrilled to meet a group of misfits who quickly become like family. But Millie realizes that one of them is dealing with problems bigger than what notes to hit when it comes time for their performance. Can Millie help her friend, even when their problem feels too big to say out loud?
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Akemi Dawn Bowman is a critically-acclaimed author who writes across genres. She has written four stand-alone novels, as well as the Generation Misfits series. Her novels have received multiple accolades and award nominations, and her debut novel, Starfish, was a William C. Morris Award finalist. She has a BA degree in social sciences from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and currently lives in Scotland. Visit Akemi online at, or on Instagram @AkemiDawnBowman.