In this remarkable new novel, Belva Plain creates a brilliant portrayal of a man's descent from idealistic beginnings into a world of dishonesty and greed--and of the two women who love him. Robb MacDaniel, a schoolteacher with noble intentions, comes into a little money, enabling him to go to law school. Upon graduation, he goes to work for a fine, honorable firm, and marries the daughter of the senior partner, leaving behind the hometown girl he had planned to wed. From then on his career brings enormous successes but then takes a shocking turn that changes his life, the life of his family, and reverberates into the next generation. With the magic of a born storyteller, New York Times bestselling author Belva Plain unfolds the devastating tale of a man whose dreams come true. Fortune's Hand is a novel of temptation, betrayal, and greed--and of the redeeming power of love.
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"Loved it and hated it in parts...Found the ending rushed through...almost felt that there could have been a sequel to the book instead of trying to put so much in three chapters, but otherwise a good read....In fact could not put it down today until it was finished"
— Wendy (4 out of 5 stars)
" Not one of my favorites from Belva Plain. "
— Lisa, 12/11/2013" An easy read that kept my interest. The human condition of wanting more the more we have and not being content with things as they are entangles the main character, Robb. "
— Donna, 11/16/2013" This was a pretty run of the mill book. No outstanding characters. No heart racing, ignore your family, forget to cook dinner, because you need to finish that great book thing. Just an average story. A way to pass some time until moving on to something else. "
— Nancy, 11/12/2013" Entertaining and easy to read. The author is not an out-of-this-world writer. "
— Kiessa, 10/15/2013" I like Belva Plain, but this is not one of her better stories. "
— Vicki, 9/17/2013" Good book. I found it in our library and just found it enjoyable. I have always liked her writing. "
— Linda, 7/10/2013" Good quick read. A story that moves along well and keeps your interest. "
— Penny, 7/6/2013" Young man has second chance, goes to law school. Jilts long time girlfriend. Then the book wonders and ends up without a punch. Not as good as some of her other books. "
— Mary, 6/7/2013" i think i have read the book before. enjoying it for the second time. easy reading, nothing too demanding. "
— Leslie, 2/24/2013" typical Belva PLain book but a good light read "
— Kathrine, 12/4/2012" I think I missed the point of this story, if their was one. I kept waiting for it to come out and it never did. "
— Stacy, 11/25/2012Belva Plain (1915–2010) was the author of more than a dozen bestselling novels with both period and contemporary settings and themes.
Ken Howard, an American actor, is best known for his roles as Thomas Jefferson in 1776 and as basketball coach Ken Reeves in the television show The White Shadow. He served as president of the Screen Actors Guild from 2009–2012.