Emma is one of the most delightful and strong-willed of Jane Austen's heroines. Her attempts at manipulating other people's lives through matchmaking start in fun but end in hurt feelings and the embarrassment of misconstrued romance—though this comical romance novel does come with a happily-ever-after solution to all the problems Emma causes. Throughout the story, Jane Austen loses no opportunity to describe with ironic wittiness the society of Highbury and the conventions of the day, and displays her powers as one of the era's best writers.
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"I know I'm late to the party, but aside from Pride and Prejudice I hadn't read any other Jane Austen novels until a couple of years ago. Pride and Prejudice remains my favorite, but I did find Emma to be very enjoyable. I will say that Jane Austen had a particular talent for writing obnoxious characters. I'm not referring to the protagonists necessarily, but to the female equivalent of P&P's Mr. Collins - the Mrs. Elton. Good gravy, I was entirely with Emma in abhorring her. And if I must be honest, I didn't really like Emma herself until the last few chapters. While not as presumptuously arrogant as Mrs. Elton, I was annoyed by her habit of thinking less of people and then rationalizing it. If I wanted to get philosophical about it maybe Mrs. Elton was the physical representation of Emma's pride. That said, Emma's change of heart, repentant spirit, and honest efforts to improve herself had me forgiving her by the end and I was quite satisfied with the conclusion for all the characters."
— Krysta (4 out of 5 stars)
" By far my favorite book ever! "
— Jamie, 2/6/2014" Loved the movie, couldn't get into the book. "
— Mary, 2/2/2014" It's still Jane, but Emma is my least favorite heroine. She's too whiny for my tastes - and I should know. "
— Kristin, 1/27/2014" Every time I read this book it just gets better and better. "
— Aaron, 1/21/2014" Such a delight read. If you fall in love with the main character you'll fall in love with the book. "
— Leen, 1/7/2014" Probably my favorite Austen story. "
— Casey, 12/28/2013" This book is awful! Pointless and frivolous, rather annoying. I am not sure why this is considered a classic! "
— Monika, 12/10/2013" Love both book and movie!!! "
— Melissa, 11/24/2013" Really enjoyed this book although it got a bit mundane at some points. "
— Edpri1, 10/28/2013" I'm amazed that I never read this particular book before. I usually like Jane Austin but I found this one just so difficult to get into. And Emma is rather an annoying heroine until the last few pages when she does redeem herself. That's all I'm saying. It's okay but definitely not my favorite. "
— Betty, 9/11/2013" As I finished it a while ago, I can't think of a proper review right now, but holy crap do I love this book. Absolutely hilarious, start to finish. "
— Noah, 4/2/2013Jane Austen (1775–1817) is considered by many scholars to be the first great woman novelist. Born in Steventon, England, she later moved to Bath and began to write for her own and her family’s amusement. Her novels, set in her own English countryside, depict the daily lives of provincial middle-class families with wry observation, a delicate irony, and a good-humored wit.