DMT Entity Encounters: Dialogues on the Spirit Molecule with Ralph Metzner, Chris Bache, Jeffrey Kripal, Whitley Strieber, Angela Voss, and Others Audiobook, by Author Info Added Soon Play Audiobook Sample

DMT Entity Encounters: Dialogues on the Spirit Molecule with Ralph Metzner, Chris Bache, Jeffrey Kripal, Whitley Strieber, Angela Voss, and Others Audiobook

DMT Entity Encounters: Dialogues on the Spirit Molecule with Ralph Metzner, Chris Bache, Jeffrey Kripal, Whitley Strieber, Angela Voss, and Others Audiobook, by Author Info Added Soon Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Elizabeth Pimentel, Raul Vallenilla Publisher: Inner Traditions Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 10.00 hours at 1.5x Speed 7.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: September 2022 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781644116180

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

76:48 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

21 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

39:14 minutes

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Publisher Description

• Includes contributions from the late Ralph Metzner, Chris Bache, Whitley Strieber, Jeffrey Kripal, Angela Voss, Bill Richards, Chris Timmermann, Michael Winkelman, Luis Eduardo Luna, Anton Bilton, Bernard Carr, Daniel Pinchbeck, Dennis McKenna, Ede Frecska, and David Luke

• Explores DMT beings, alien abduction, plant sentience, neuroscientific DMT research, the connections between LSD and DMT entities, and the nature of mind and reality

Found throughout the plant and animal kingdom, DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is also naturally occurring in humans, and may be released during near-death and actual death experiences, earning it the title “the spirit molecule.” When taken as a psychedelic, either via ayahuasca or in pure form, DMT is experientially considered to be one of the strongest and strangest of all entheogens. The majority of high-dose users report visions of unknown yet curiously familiar alien worlds and encounters with sentient nonhuman presences.

At a four-day symposium at Tyringham Hall in England in 2017, twenty of the world’s psychedelic luminaries gathered to discuss entheogenic entity encounters, consciousness expansion, visionary experiences, and the future of research in this field. Contributors to the talks and discussions include many leading thinkers, including the late Ralph Metzner, Chris Bache, Whitley Strieber, Je rey Kripal, Angela Voss, Bill Richards, Chris Timmermann, Michael Winkelman, Luis Eduardo Luna, Anton Bilton, Bernard Carr, Daniel Pinchbeck, Dennis McKenna, Ede Frecska, and David Luke.

This book distills the potent exchange of ideas that occurred at Tyringham Hall, including discussions about DMT beings, encounter experiences, alien abduction, plant sentience, the shamanic use of ayahuasca, neuroscientifi c DMT research, the connections between LSD and DMT entities, and the nature of mind and reality.

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"An invaluable contribution to the growing library of information concerning Medical Psychopharmacology; Popular Psychology Psychopharmacology; and ESP, DMT Entity Encounters: Dialogues on the Spirit Molecule with Ralph Metzner, Chris Bache, Jeffrey Kripal, Whitley Strieber, Angela Voss, and Others is an important and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, community, college, and university library collections. For the personal reading lists of students, academia, DMT researchers, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject, it should be noted that DMT Entity Encounters: Dialogues on the Spirit Molecule with Ralph Metzner, Chris Bache, Jeffrey Kripal, Whitley Strieber, Angela Voss, and Others is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $12.99).""


  • A stellar collection of scholars digs deep and wide into the remarkably common encounter with 'beings' in the DMT state. Viewpoints cover this phenomenon from every possible perspective, including neuroscience; psychology and parapsychology; anthropology and shamanism; philosophy, theology, and religious history; quantum physics and cosmology; and self-experimentation and alien abduction. The definitive, and most thorough and exciting, treatment of this extraordinary experience."

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