Cazado Audiobook, by Charles Dickens Play Audiobook Sample

Cazado Audiobook

Cazado Audiobook, by Charles Dickens Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Chico García Publisher: Sonolibro Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.38 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: December 2016 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9788492855278

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

40:00 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

40:00 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

40:00 minutes

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Publisher Description

Dicen que las apariencias siempre engañan, y nuestra historia parece confirmarlo…

Julius Slinkton tiene mucho interés en que le presenten al Sr. Sampson, director de una Compañía de seguros de vida.

Van a coincidir en un par de ocasiones, y no se volverán a ver hasta que casualmente se encuentren en una playa solitaria de Scarborough, por la que Slinkton pasea del brazo de una bellísima joven…

Una oscura trama que empieza a desarrollarse, nos va a permitir descubrir hasta qué punto puede una apariencia de candidez e inocencia, ocultar un alma perversa y malvada

Esta novela corta es una magnífica muestra de una faceta muy desconocida de Dickens: la de autor de historias detectivescas. No os la perdáis; seguro que os gusta.

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About Charles Dickens

Patrick Tull (1941–2006), born in the United Kingdom, was a multitalented actor of the stage, screen, and television, as well as an award-winning audiobook narrator. He acted in numerous American television shows from 1962 to 1996, including Crossroads, and he had roles in six Broadway plays between 1967 and 1992, including Amadeus. His film credits from 1969 to 1996 included roles as Cecil in Parting Glances and Jerry the bartender in Sleepers. He served as narrator for the television series Sea Tales. He narrated nearly forty audiobooks, and his readings of The Canterbury Tales, The Letter of Marque, Monk’s Hood, The Vicar of Wakefield, and How Green Was My Valley each earned him an AudioFile Earphones Award. His narration of Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin novels was praised by novelist Stephen King as among his ten favorite audiobooks of 2006.

About Chico García

Mario Escobar Golderos has a degree in History, with an advanced studies diploma in Modern History. He has written numerous books and articles about the Inquisition, the Protestant Reformation, and religious sects. He is the executive director of an NGO and directs the magazine Nueva historia para el debate, in addition to being a contributing columnist in various publications. Passionate about history and its mysteries, Escobar has delved into the depths of church history, the different sectarian groups that have struggled therein, and the discovery and colonization of the Americas. He specializes in the lives of unorthodox Spaniards and Americans.

Autor Betseller con miles de libros vendidos en todo el mundo. Sus obras han sido traducidas al chino, japonés, inglés, ruso, portugués, danés, francés, italiano, checo, polaco, serbio, entre otros idiomas. Novelista, ensayista y conferenciante. Licenciado en Historia y Diplomado en Estudios Avanzados en la especialidad de Historia Moderna, ha escrito numerosos artículos y libros sobre la Inquisición, la Reforma Protestante y las sectas religiosas.