Be the Business: CIOs in the New Eras of IT Audiobook, by Martha Heller Play Audiobook Sample

Be the Business: CIOs in the New Eras of IT Audiobook

Be the Business: CIOs in the New Eras of IT Audiobook, by Martha Heller Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Martha Heller Publisher: Ascent Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: October 2016 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781469005157

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

32:08 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

20 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

20:40 minutes

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Publisher Description

Remember the '70s? Way back then, IT was a mainframe that sat in someroom and only a few people had a key. Flash forward a decade, and IT was a limited set of systems irrelevant to the vast majority of employeesand customers. But today, all of the sudden, technology belongs toeveryone. Because of the suddenness of this revolution in technologyadoption, most IT organizations have not had enough time to evolve into a "comfortable integration" with the rest of the company. This lack ofcomfortable integration has led to confusion over who is trulyaccountable for the return on technology investments, how much influence IT leaders should have over a company's business strategy, and whetherCEOs need to hire Chief Digital Officers onto their senior leadershipteams. Through interviews with dozens of CIOs, Heller has created asnapshot of what CIOs are doing to lead IT in a climate where technology belongs to everyone. She addresses how CIOs are changing theiroperating models, their approaches to talent development, and theirassessment of the new IT provider marketplace. Most importantly, Hellerdefines the top ten skills and behaviors that CIOs will need to developif they are going to be successful in an ever changing landscape. As amaster storyteller, Heller incorporates philosophy, humor, and pragmatic advice into an audiobook that both informs and entertains.

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About Martha Heller

Martha Heller is president of Heller Search Associates, a Boston-based executive search firm that specializes in IT leadership positions. Prior to founding Heller Search, she was managing director of the IT leadership practice at ZRG Partners, a global executive search firm. Before establishing her career in executive search, Martha was founder and managing director of CIO magazine’s CIO Executive Council, a professional organization for CIOs. She continues to engage with CIO audiences through her monthly column in CIO magazine, as author of’s Movers & Shakers blog, and as author of You and Your CIO, a blog on