He visto cómo les ocurren milagros a hombres y mujeres de toda condición alrededor del planeta. Los milagros también le ocurrirán a usted cuando comience a utilizar el poder mágico de su mente subconsciente. Este libro se propone enseñarle que su manera habitual de pensar y los esquemas de su imaginación configuran y crean su destino; pues lo que el hombre piensa en su mente subconsciente, eso es. ¿Por qué un hombre está triste y otro alegre? ¿Por qué un hombre es jubiloso y próspero, y otro, pobre y mísero? ¿Por qué un hombre está temeroso y lleno de ansiedad y otro exuda fe y confianza? ¿Por qué un hombre tiene una hermosa y elegante mansión mientras que otro arrastra una mezquina existencia en un barrio miserable? ¿Por qué un hombre constituye todo un éxito mientras que otro es un desgraciado fracaso?¿Por qué un orador se distingue y es inmensamente popular, y otro mediocre e impopular? ¿Por qué un hombre es un genio en su trabajo mientras que otro se mata trabajando toda su vida sin hacer ni conseguir nada que valga realmente la pena? ¿Por qué sana un hombre de una de esas llamadas enfermedades incurables y otro no? ¿Por qué tanta gente religiosa, que es bondadosa y amable, sufre los tormentos de los condenados en cuerpo y alma? ¿Por qué tanta gente inmoral e impía tiene éxito, y prospera, y goza de radiante salud? ¿Por qué una mujer tiene un matrimonio feliz y su hermana es desgraciada y está llena de frustraciones?¿Existe una respuesta a estas interrogantes en las operaciones mente consciente y su mente subconsciente? Indudablemente que sí. Los objetivos específicos son: contestar y aclarar las preguntas anteriores y muchas otras de naturaleza semejante. Dr. Joseph Murphy
Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.
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"Really good one..clearly explains the negativity that plays the major role in failure and positive thinking to achieve anything you want. Here I am going to practice everything religiously as I really dont want to be scared anymore but want to win all the things I have currently taken. I am going to be more smart, talented, healthy, wealthy and lovable, self confident and fearless!"
— Cathy (4 out of 5 stars)
" Excellent summary of many other similar books. "
— Svilen, 2/12/2014" So Far, the most helpfull aspect is the concept of being positve about your desire, the logic is clear. If your attitude and internal dialogue is positive, then you are more recepitive to opportunities and you face challenges with enthusiasime or at least the conviction that you are capable of solving the problem. "
— Joe, 2/7/2014" This book has teached me a lot. Everyone should read it. "
— Salma, 2/6/2014" One of very few ways to learn how to become the master of your mind and have greater understanding of your own life is by reading books just like these. "
— Marin, 2/1/2014" Excellent! I will need to listen to it again a few times. "
— Susan, 1/26/2014" ... absolutely must-read for everyone. "
— Ichehsky, 1/23/2014" It is hard to digest the thing told but yes if you do you can achieve what ever you want "
— Gaurang, 1/22/2014" Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect. "
— Dina, 1/20/2014" This is one that needs to be re-read many times, which I will do. "
— Kathy, 1/20/2014" people say this is his best books,I can't wait to have it and read it, this guy is AMAZING!!! "
— La, 1/17/2014" I read it twice. I'm on my third round, and it gets better and better. I like the fact that it includes biblical passages and nicely relates it with todays world. Great motivational book! "
— Ernesto, 1/13/2014" this book can change your life! "
— Nada, 12/26/2013" Anyone that wants to have more control over their thoughts and seeks a better understanding of how the subconscious and conscious mind work separately and together should read this book. "
— Carrie, 12/15/2013" great book . . .explaining the power of human potential . . . "
— Pratikblackunicorn, 12/14/2013" Read it again, for the fifth time I think. "
— Tim, 12/6/2013" So many great observations and conclusions! "
— Sarah, 11/3/2013" A life-changing read. Take better control of your life. "
— Marwa, 9/26/2013" this book is great and is easy to read. its one of the few books I have read in my that has changed my life and I will continue to put what I've learned from this book into practice "
— Mario, 9/22/2013" I truly believe in the powers of the mind. But, he nocks chiros a little bit. Other than that.. great read! "
— Ryan, 7/4/2013" A must read for everyone. I read most of it 5 years ago and recently started reading more. You can pick it up anywhere. It is more of a guide to positive living. "
— Dawn, 6/27/2013" While he reiterates the same concepts over, the book doesn't seem repetitive. It's a quick read, worth putting some time into reading it. "
— Synthia, 6/13/2013" 1/4 decent information on subconscious mind. 3/4 unscientific BS. "
— Artem, 3/9/2013Joseph Murphy, PhD, DD (1898–1981) was a world-renowned authority on mind dynamics and author of numerous bestselling books. His ability to provide practical techniques that anyone can use as a tool for physical, social, economic, and spiritual self-improvement gained him a loyal worldwide following of millions. He wrote, taught, counseled, and lectured to thousands over a fifty-year career. He was the minister-director of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles for twenty-eight years, where his lectures were heard by thousands every week. Among his dozens of books are The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Think Yourself Rich, Believe in Yourself, and many others. A renowned authority on mysticism and mind dynamics, his work continues to influence followers worldwide.