
Audiobooks Related to Capital Mysteries #11: The Secret At Jefferson's Mansion

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Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #1: Who Cloned the President? by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #10: The Election-Day Disaster by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #12: The Ghost at Camp David by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #13: Trapped on the D.C. Train! by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #14: Turkey Trouble on the National Mall by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #2: Kidnapped at the Capital by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #3: The Skeleton in the Smithsonian by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #4: A Spy in the White House by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #5: Who Broke Lincoln's Thumb? by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #6: Fireworks at the FBI by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #7: Trouble at the Treasury by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #8: Mystery at the Washington Monument by Ron Roy
Extended Sample Capital Mysteries #9: A Thief at the National Zoo by Ron Roy
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