Start Listening to Over 100 Million Podcast Episodes Instantly!

Unlock our HUGE selection of over 100 million podcast episodes by choosing between two options catered to your specific listening needs.

Unlock the Podcast section of our iOS and Android apps instantly by UPGRADING to a FlexPass™ account (learn more), OR enrolling in our new Podcast Only membership for just $3.95 per month. Either option gets you anytime access to stream OR download over 100 million podcast episodes, all within the same app you already use to listen to audiobooks. To get started, simply choose one of the two options listed below and successfully complete registration.

Unlock Podcasts $3.95 /month:SIGN UP!

  • Includes UNLIMITED podcast listening
  • Continue purchasing audio books at Regular Price
  • Cancel anytime

UPGRADE to FlexPass™ $9.95 /month:UPGRADE!learn more about FlexPass™

  • Includes UNLIMITED podcast listening
  • Exclusive FlexPass™ savings on all audiobooks
  • NO HASSLE audiobook exchanges
  • Cancel anytime

How Do I Start Listening to Podcasts?

STEP 1 Based on your individual listening needs, choose one of the options above to instantly unlock UNLIMITED podcast listening within the app.
STEP 2 Once you've completed registration, return to the app and tap the "Podcasts" option under the main slide-out menu within the app.
STEP 3 Under the Podcasts section, search or browse for a topic or specific podcast you'd like to listen to, tap "Subscribe" and start listening!