
Audiobooks Read By Lillian Rachel

Born in the UK, Lillian Rachel grew up in East Anglia and later moved north to Durham. She then married a US military man and spent time hopping across the pond to North America and back to Europe. Lillian works from her professional-grade home studio equipped with industry-best technology in sunny California. Outside the booth, she’s a wife, mum, dog rescuer, and lover of perfect pastries. 

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Extended Sample Eight Shakespeare Comedies by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample My Own Story by Emmeline Pankhurst
Extended Sample Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Extended Sample Narwhal: The Arctic Unicorn by Justin Anderson
Extended Sample My Dearest Duke by Kristin Vayden
Extended Sample As Little as Nothing by Pamela Mulloy
Extended Sample And by Fire by Evie Hawtrey
Extended Sample Fortune Favors the Duke by Kristin Vayden
Extended Sample Felicity Carrol and the Murderous Menace by Patricia Marcantonio
Extended Sample Felicity Carrol and the Perilous Pursuit by Patricia Marcantonio
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