Music / Ethnomusicology Audiobooks

High BiasOur site offers a great selection of music/ethnomusicology titles from top authors like . Our comprehensive inventory of music/ethnomusicology books includes such great choices as High Bias, Liner Notes for the Revolution and Rockin’ in the Ivory Tower to name a few to name a few. We make it as easy as possible to be listening to all of your favorite authors right now on your favorite devices. Browse our incredible music/ethnomusicology audio book selection and find all of the great listens you've been looking for!

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Extended Sample High Bias by Marc Masters
Extended Sample Revolutions in American Music by Michael Broyles
Extended Sample Rockin’ in the Ivory Tower by James M. Carter
Extended Sample Liner Notes for the Revolution by Daphne A. Brooks
Extended Sample How Music Works by David Byrne
Extended Sample Junglist by James Kirk
Extended Sample The Blues by Chris Thomas King
Extended Sample Everybody's Doin' It by Dale Cockrell
Extended Sample Why You Love Music by John Powell
Extended Sample Alan Lomax by John Szwed
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